Pedalboard Pictures!

theblueark said:
When I had my J&H on board I removed all the rubber feet. You might wanna remove the battery cover too, it sticks out without the rubber feet. Just use the velcro to paste over the resulting hole :D

this is exactly what i did :D
nickyseow said:
like sometimes, my signal gets chopped into half the original volume. ok ok enuff said lets do a diagnostic NOW.

Jap Tele->Boss FV-300L Volume Pedal->Crybaby Wah ( possible problem )-> edwin-modded ds-1->analogman ts-9->ce-5->phase 100->echo park (buzz)->fender deluxe 900

What I think causes the problem.

ok. so yesterday, i was playing live with my band for this event called passion ac, in my school. i was doing some sound checks with this setup, then suddenly, my volume, and gain (from the volume cut) was CUT. i thought, eh why liddat. and so i tried bypassing my wah, excluding it from the set, so im running my signal from the volume pedal, into my ds1 and so on. after that, everything was ok for awhile, and then when we were rehearsing, with the wah cut out, the volume OSO diminished!, i was using the volume pedal as usual but the sound got cut, so then i ran the signal straight into my ds1 and so forth, then everything was okay.

wad annoys me is that i cant figure out:

1) Where the hell that buzz comes from. cos although my friend tells me its a single-coil thing, but i off-ed my volume from both my guitar and the volume pedal, but there was still a buzz, and a soft beeping sound, in line with the tempo that my echo park was doing. im using a ps-25 pedalboard, and the power is sort of individual if im not mistaken, and on harmony central there were mixed reviews w.r.t this buzzing issue.

2) Why the Wah sometimes can work, sometimes cannot work. seriously, its like it has a mood or sth. cos sometimes, it works perfectly, sometimes, the volume gets cut or totally GONE!

3) could it be my amp? cos when the tech ppl stored it, it was placed the front facing up, meaning the back of the celestion speaker was on sth. then when we were playing there was this buzz from the back of the amp, from the tubes i think, so i hit the top of the amp a couple of times and the sound didnt go away but became softer, so i was like heck it.

4) could it be the patch cables itself? oxidized perhaps? dont think so, but its a possibility. the cables were the yellow neutrik ones from luther.

5) Why the hell didnt i buy myself a flightcase pedalboard or a misse one.


This is an appeal for intelligent replies too. thangew.

you have really similar problems to what i had..
i used to use a ps25 too and that thing is hella noisy..if you're running the line6 off the board power then that's what it could be. the supplied line6 adaptor is pretty noisy too, so it might be a flaw in the pedal design. i switched to a voodoo lab pedal power and there's no noise now (well that's a lie but it's barely noticeable and is coming mostly from my guitars). my wah also cut out after i removed the rubber feet and drilled a hole in the side for a battery power connector and i haven't fixed it yet, but i think it has something to do with the soldering or some other part of the signal connection.
Timex said:
HOw but using two different power outlets? One for your amp and the other for your effects board.

Not sure if it helps, but the problem may be coming from other things in the electrical circuit of the building you are in. If you are running lights off the same circuit (even if it's 3 phase power), you might get buzz.

The best solution we found was to make sure that the lights and the band are running off different circuits - which may be difficult if you don't know how the circutry of the building is wired...
nickyseow: I used to use the PS25. It's 6-outlet "power supply" works basically like a daisy chain and is dependent on the adaptor you plug it into. Re: the noise issues, I have a feeling it's either the wah pedal or the echo park.

The power outlets aren't indendently isolated like the Pedal Power jon has so using a power supply with a triodal transformer might help. What I did was to switch the stock adaptor with a regulated power supply and that helped get rid of most of the noise from my wah pedal. Wasn't foolproof because it didn't isolate the wah pedal so it still had a habit of squealing when I used it with high gain, but I used a noise supressor to get rid of it.

In most cases, just switching to a regulated adaptor gets rid of most noise issues.

As for the echo park, I've read that Line 6 pedals don't play nice with other pedals sharing its current so using a seperate adaptor for it might help.

Also, with the power cutting out with some of your pedals, it might be because all your pedals are drawing more amps than your adaptor can put out (most probably because of the echo park). Add up all the ampage requirements for all your pedals and see if it exceeds the rating on your adaptor.

One solution short of getting a >$500 power supply is to put a power strip on your board and run a few different adaptors to isolate the pedals that are giving you problems.
ok i velcroed the rubber feet of the J&H, quite firm now. and i got fed up trying to find screws for my 535Q wah and also velcroed the rubber feet. not as stable, but doesnt fall off :D
ShredCow said:
tany, gotta TB that 535q! Randolf has some sweet mods for that pedal, do check him out.

yup sure! haha i'm starting to find that the wah needs better tone!
hey hey hey randy-dolf

if you'd be so kind to tell us here what other mods u have for wah pedals (mine's a vox v847), you might interest both me and tany perhaps to mod ours for TB and more :p
ok thanks for the replies ppl! ok i'll try out several things,

1) dedicated power for my echo park.
2) change my board to a misse board.
3) mutilate my ps25 to cut out the 6-holed power thingy ( this one is a maybe, seeing its never been done before)

but heres another stumper. when i looked around for the root of the problem, the buzzing came from the back of my amp! the part where the metal cover covers the tubes! it has a buzzing thing. btw its a fender deluxe 900. so yeah. dunno wads up with it, but i'll prolly head down to sweelee to get it serviced seeing as i got it barely half a year ago.

the whole thing abt the toroidal thing, i didnt get.. 8O
babelfish said:
Also, with the power cutting out with some of your pedals, it might be because all your pedals are drawing more amps than your adaptor can put out (most probably because of the echo park). Add up all the ampage requirements for all your pedals and see if it exceeds the rating on your adaptor.

One solution short of getting a >$500 power supply is to put a power strip on your board and run a few different adaptors to isolate the pedals that are giving you problems.

but im only powering six pedals with the onboard power, thats the max wad. ok one more thing, the ampage requirements are wad? how many A's is it, like amperes or sth.
The PS25's power outlets can run a maximum of 6 pedals and if you use pedals with normal current requirements like 50mA it shouldn't be a problem. Yeah, you add up all the mA or A on written on the back of the pedals (or on the manuals) and make sure the total doesn't exceed the mA supplied by the adaptor.

The Voodoo Labs Pedal Power is the only power supply I know of that comes with a triordal transformer which is supposed to get rid of the hum from wah pedals according to their literature. But IMO, you can do just as well by using the wah with a seperate adaptor to isolate it from the rest of your pedals if it's giving you noise. A much cheaper alternative.

Btw, I don't think you need to cut out the PS25 power outlets. Just keep using it with pedals that don't give you noise problems when plugged into the same power source. Treat it as a built in daisy chain without the hassle of the wires.
ok, personally i think that my wah may have some problems, and i am most likely gonna make a date to visit randolf to let him take a look, and also mod my wah at the same time. so yeah. and my volume pedal too, i dunno wad happened to it, but it MAY also have a problem.
MrE said:
hey hey hey randy-dolf

if you'd be so kind to tell us here what other mods u have for wah pedals (mine's a vox v847), you might interest both me and tany perhaps to mod ours for TB and more :p

Hey guys!

Ok so like there's quite alot of Wahs out there and even more so of mods for the wahs out there. In my experience I would always recommend a true bypass switching for any Vox or Crybaby based design wah.
I don't recommend true bypass for everthing else in the chain though. That's a whole seperate volume of discussion altogether. :D

Pls correspond with me at for further modding enquiries ya.


Dunno about you guys but I personally do find that my Crybabies do sound best with batts instead of the plug in supply. Anybody here have a preference for batt brand types? I'm a duracell fan but do find the 9 volts square batts harder to come by compared to the energizers.
nickyseow said:
but im only powering six pedals with the onboard power, thats the max wad. ok one more thing, the ampage requirements are wad? how many A's is it, like amperes or sth.

It doesn't go buy the numbe of pedals. You have to calculate the current. For example, if you're using an adapter than can give 1700mA of current, and each pedal takes 3mA ( 8O Yes it is possible, as long as you don't put LED indicators, like zvex does on his) Then in theory you can power 1700/3 = 566 pedals. (OMGWTFBBQ)

Yes, you can power more than a hundred zvex pedals from a 1 spot. But they will all be sharing the same ground and i'd expect A LOT of noise problems.
hey blueark.. i used to think tt way when u recomend me the onespot earlier on.. but i realise its not very practical. it is only good 2 power up not good for playing/performing coz.. when u connect a non-distortion efx wif a distortion effect under a same daisy chain it will create a buzzing sound. was told that distortion pedals.. currently i'm using 2 adapters.. 1 for non-distortion alike and another for those hard driving pedals.. seems to work better :D
Gr3y, thats why the Voodoo Labs Pedal Power and the Dunlop Brick exist... they have seperately shielded/grounded/whats-the-term? power outlets...

But using 2 1Spots, like you and me, is much cheaper.

There's a 12V 1Spot out, thinking of getting it to try on some of my 9V pedals, hear if got tone difference... haha...
ShredCow said:
Gr3y, thats why the Voodoo Labs Pedal Power and the Dunlop Brick exist... they have seperately shielded/grounded/whats-the-term? power outlets...

But using 2 1Spots, like you and me, is much cheaper.

There's a 12V 1Spot out, thinking of getting it to try on some of my 9V pedals, hear if got tone difference... haha...

devil! :twisted:

prepared some fire extinguisher? :lol: