Pedalboard Pictures!

I'm very sure it's just me.
But I don't know what's going on exactly with the patch cables, looks really nice and neat though.
after finding time to rewire, and completed my shopping stuff, here's what my pedalboard looks like now.

lacks a proper pedalboard, which i will make during my term break, and a proper carry case.

cables are luther cables, neutrik heads with gs-4 cables, custom cut and made by myself, but you can get them done at luther's too. yupz..


signal chain is

guitar -> DT10 -> CS3 -> wd7 -> ts7 -> ZW44 -> dirtyangel -> bluedoo -> DOD supra dist -> phase90 -> AD9-> small clone -> amp
hey bro how's the weeping demon? never heard it in action before. and the DOD supra dist? how do you find it?
mulyadi, if your CS-3 is stock, I suggest you save some dough, head over the Randolf's and check out his modded CS-3. You'll lay down the cash immediately.

And you never thought the stock CS-3 was THAT bad.
haha. cs-3 does sound bad, but i only use it for some light solos for the coloration... and if i were to do any mods, i'll do the monte allum mod myself. =)

only found time to change the led.

weeping demon's quite versatile, can change the sweep range with the convenience of one button...only thing is that it's bulky, takes up a lot of space. yupz..

i got the dod supra distortion wayy back in 2002, was my 2nd pedal. many bad reviews, but there's that one sweet spot that i liked...

and the signature?haha..thanks. =)
mulyadi said:
haha. cs-3 does sound bad, but i only use it for some light solos for the coloration... and if i were to do any mods, i'll do the monte allum mod myself. =)

yea!! the Monte CS-3 opto mod is great.. u shld check it out.. modded my CS-3 and it sounds much better.. but i do hate the fact that it isn't true bypass.. :eek:
jono007 said:
anyone know if Randolf has recovered from his flu? He was down last week...

Went to his house with my Blackstone and Screwdrive just last Saturday. :) The Blackstone probably blew his flu away... hahaha...
yupz...not implying that randolf is bad or anything, i've tried two of my friend's randolfed cs-3, found it better than the stock cs3, but the soundclip on monte allum's just sounded so good....yeah...and i forgot to thank shredcow for his 'advice'...yupz...from his posts, sounds like the better educated ones on the boutique gear stuff...or the way it goes here. yupz...

got two more pedals actually, one is a spoilt dod grunge, the other a dod flanger, which is currently halfway round the world from here...with my
Actually, you have to consider how that monte allum's clip was recorded and what guitar/amp was it played thru. :p If you droppped by Randolf's, he will play thru either this Fender Tube 12" amp, or his Carvin 4x12 stack. Then you probably will hear it much much better.

The main selling point of Randolf would be that he tweaks the effect to your taste. Personalises it for you.

However, if the Monte Allums rock yoru socks still, go for it. :)
yeah. i get what you mean, monte allums does his recording thru a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe amp, which i don't have, and neither do i have a carvin stack or a fender 12" tube amp. and through all these, prolly will sound different as well...and since tone is subjective, and the light usage of the cs-3, dun think i'll do it just as yet.

and the fun of modding your own pedal is there. =)
ShredCow said:
jono007 said:
anyone know if Randolf has recovered from his flu? He was down last week...

Went to his house with my Blackstone and Screwdrive just last Saturday. :) The Blackstone probably blew his flu away... hahaha...

Gd Morning Folks! :)

Ok thanks for the various get well mesgs. I'm back in action... had no idea wat hit me so bad over the previous week. Anyway I'm back alive and kickin' Heh :) Hey I see some nice pedal setups among you folks here!

I tried out ShredCow's Blackstone and yes I do think it's got a real nice tonality however I still get better dynamic control and OD choice from combining a SD1 withe either a OS2, BD2 or MT2 (of cos all self custom modded of cos for my own needs :)

Fuzz pedals I'm personally a fan of 2 designs one of which is the rude sounding FoxxTone/ French Toast which I'm constantly tweaking about to match my varying needs. The other Fuzzy pedal of great interests in design and sound is the Zvex Fuzz Factory!

Ok about the CS3. It was originally designed to work better with active pickups which were really popular in the mid 80's as the previous Dynacomp like CS2 clamped too quickly on a hot signal from high output pickups which wer gaining popularity then. I used to use active SD or EMG pups for my stage guitars but later on discovered that I was developing more of a liking towards passive pups. Unlike active pups passive pups when combined with the guitar's volume pot into a full tube amp setup do have a rather unique organic like control over gain and tone which is really nice.

The modded CS3 which I personally use and tweak for others to taste revives the natural Lows and top Highs in the original signal. If you find the stock pedal's deep compression character too much to your liking you'll find this more noticeble in a Dynacomp, Keeley and CS2 even in low Sustain knob settings. All compressors will somehow affect your tone but it should be in a good way right? :) Personally I like the use of the CS3 to control the dynamics from subtle to obvious without affecting the original tone too much. I use it with both Humbuckers and Single coils and active pups and with the addtional 3 way Treble Bypass Toggle Switch also use the modded CS3 for my Godin Multiac Steel Acoustic. The Toggle switch selects the amount of natural Hi End Sheen to pass through the CS3 unaffected and this helps me to retain a more natural "Zing" from the electric or acoutic guitar without having to resort to active eqs or dialling in more Highs from the amp. This is a technique I recommend for getting as much natural tone with minimal noise from your entire rig.

Like Fuzz, OverDrive and Dist pedals the Compressors stock, boutique or modded like the CS2, CS3, Ibanez CP9, Keeley, Barber Tone Press are all variations of the classic Dynacomp. Each of which are have their own sonic personality and unwritten possibilties of musical application. To each his own as they say.

HOpe this has been helpful ya.