Pedalboard Pictures!

hey! 535Q wah users! how do u mount ur wah onto the pedal board? there's the rubber stud at the bottom.
yes thats wad i did.


i made the ulimate mistake a putting a length-wise-long strip of velcro on the base and mounted it. after awhile i wanted to shift postions, then i pull pull pull, then the metal cover bent abit and now i think i have some ploblems with my wah. shite la. ok, its time to head down to randolf's. does he do repairs?
Hehe, ya like wat kinda problem isit now? I hate imagine the shape of the bottom plate now ya! :roll:
embryo said:
The other Fuzzy pedal of great interests in design and sound is the Zvex Fuzz Factory!

There's a Zoom Ultra Fuzz which is supposedly an inferior Fuzz Factory, but the prices for that thing is overpriced... if you can find one, that's good. :)
Really? The Zoom Ultra Fuzz? Interesting, I gota check this out myself as I'm truly amazed by the Fuzz Factory.
like sometimes, my signal gets chopped into half the original volume. ok ok enuff said lets do a diagnostic NOW.

Jap Tele->Boss FV-300L Volume Pedal->Crybaby Wah ( possible problem )-> edwin-modded ds-1->analogman ts-9->ce-5->phase 100->echo park (buzz)->fender deluxe 900

What I think causes the problem.

ok. so yesterday, i was playing live with my band for this event called passion ac, in my school. i was doing some sound checks with this setup, then suddenly, my volume, and gain (from the volume cut) was CUT. i thought, eh why liddat. and so i tried bypassing my wah, excluding it from the set, so im running my signal from the volume pedal, into my ds1 and so on. after that, everything was ok for awhile, and then when we were rehearsing, with the wah cut out, the volume OSO diminished!, i was using the volume pedal as usual but the sound got cut, so then i ran the signal straight into my ds1 and so forth, then everything was okay.

wad annoys me is that i cant figure out:

1) Where the hell that buzz comes from. cos although my friend tells me its a single-coil thing, but i off-ed my volume from both my guitar and the volume pedal, but there was still a buzz, and a soft beeping sound, in line with the tempo that my echo park was doing. im using a ps-25 pedalboard, and the power is sort of individual if im not mistaken, and on harmony central there were mixed reviews w.r.t this buzzing issue.

2) Why the Wah sometimes can work, sometimes cannot work. seriously, its like it has a mood or sth. cos sometimes, it works perfectly, sometimes, the volume gets cut or totally GONE!

3) could it be my amp? cos when the tech ppl stored it, it was placed the front facing up, meaning the back of the celestion speaker was on sth. then when we were playing there was this buzz from the back of the amp, from the tubes i think, so i hit the top of the amp a couple of times and the sound didnt go away but became softer, so i was like heck it.

4) could it be the patch cables itself? oxidized perhaps? dont think so, but its a possibility. the cables were the yellow neutrik ones from luther.

5) Why the hell didnt i buy myself a flightcase pedalboard or a misse one.


This is an appeal for intelligent replies too. thangew.
take each of your patch cable out and then check carefully each cable whether its working

is your amp grounded???

i faced the buzz problem once and when i groud my amp everything works perfectly
whats your amp???

you can either ground by cutting up the current wire to groun it

i think someone posted the instructino here

if not yuo amp the power wire is those same as CPU the power wire then just go to sim lim and get a 3pin plug to plug in

thats what i did to myu AD30
okie dokes. will do. i felt quite silly cos after i posted that, i saw a sticky thread w.r.t grounding. hahaha. ok but thats not the thing, its the wah or volume that im peeved over.
Everything in your signal path from guitar to amp should be suspect but not to worry if you follow a simple but logical troublshooting procedure of isolating the devices one by one until you find the culprit. Best to start by pluugin straight into the amp 1st and see if you detect intermittence in levels and noises, followed by individual pedals with their respective patch cables and power supply. Whether it's neutrik or monster or watever cables will still breakdown under natural wear and tear conditions of gig setups. Try it.
embryo said:
Really? The Zoom Ultra Fuzz? Interesting, I gota check this out myself as I'm truly amazed by the Fuzz Factory.

Have you heard the parallel universe? I'm building one for my friend. It's similar to the fuzz factory in functions. The tone is different though.
theblueark said:
Have you heard the parallel universe? I'm building one for my friend. It's similar to the fuzz factory in functions. The tone is different though.

8O Can I try it out when you finish it? I just couldn't lay my hands on an affordable Ultra Fuzz. :(
the parallel universe is another one of those " beautifully disaterous" pedals that explore the outer wierder extremes of fuzz land! Not the best when compared to the F factory but i love it anyway! :D
tany said:
i got a question! for those using the visualsound pedals, how do u mount the velcro on it?

i've seen pple place small bits of velcro on the rubber feet and velcro on the battery cover as well..
When I had my J&H on board I removed all the rubber feet. You might wanna remove the battery cover too, it sticks out without the rubber feet. Just use the velcro to paste over the resulting hole :D

Thor: Sure thing, I'll build one and anyone who wants to try can :D