Pedalboard Pictures!

Nice box you made, but you should add a handle for the lid so you can carry it around

and you should consider adding some sponge to the inside of the lid so that it cushions your pedals and prevents them from moving around. that's what i did, got the sponge from Artfriend upon Edder's tip :D

wow, good idea! spongebox! :p

yah i will be adding handles and other things.. still making in process ba

still hope 2 get some advise on the whammy pedal.. anybody got good experience on it? :roll:
i think gr3y should arrange the pedals like MrE. Well that is personal preference cause that arrangement wont take more so much horizontal space.

that makes transportation difficult if you carrying a long long case around

just my suggestion
hey, i sort of disagree to arrange like MrE. cos placing them in a horizontal line make them a lot easier to step on while gigging, esp if you;ve gota step fast. but ofcourse, these sort of things are all personal preferences. anyway here's my pedalboard. still incomplete tho, currently looking for a compressor and phaser.

Well, it is abit harder to step on the top row of pedals, but i'm used to it lah. no choice mah... if put all in a row not enough space :?

the sponge is really good cos it holds the pedals in place so well that i dont need velcro at all when i transport my pedals. I dont like velcro cos it stains the base of my pedals with the sticky gum. i always get that stuff on the 2nd hand pedals i buy, then gotta use lighter fluid to get it off.

the DE7 i bought second hand $70
dric: woah lan that thirsty hippo on the top left corner? your board's also from mrmisse right?

If possible, i like to place my pedals in as straight line as possible....or at least not head to toe together. Tends to kick into the knobs while switching on the pedals above it :lol:

My basic setup: PRS SAS: Y cable- electric signal-Tremonti Amp-Rivera R30
- acoustic signal-Fish n Chips Eq-Acoustic Amp
UD stomp in the amp effects loop
My humble pedal board ...made from the board from my bookshelf :D Nothing spectacular but serves me well 8)


SD1>DS1>PH3>CF7>DD3... Need a pedal tuner to complete the board..Anyone selling Tu-2 or DT-10? PM me... :)
Here's my pedal board during a typical gig:


Yeah, I know..I 'masking-taped' power supplies ain't prettier than a 1-spot adaptor but it's been serving me well *lol*

MrE said:
I bought it off a dude on luther classads, the brand is CNB i think. aluminium flightcase style. he got an extra piece from some online store, sold to me for $120

Hmm..MrE...I think I'm the one who sold you the CNB pedaboard? It was still unopened in a box when I showed it to you, right? :lol:
Elias said:
Yeah, I know..I 'masking-taped' power supplies ain't prettier than a 1-spot adaptor but it's been serving me well *lol*

Well, putting aside the benefits of the 1Spot being neater, less wiring, freeing up more space... Its likely to be quieter than your current setup. Though the DD3 might, just might, add noise when used with a single adaptor.