Pedalboard Pictures!


I swapped by GT2 with a newly purchased Double Drive.

Guitar ->>> Jim Dunlop Wah ->>>>Ernie ball volume( i use it to control gain)->>>>>Tech 21 Double Drive->>>>Digitech Bad monkey->>>>>Boss Eq 20->>>>>Me-50(with proel switch for tone modify option)->>>>Ac-2->>>>Amp

Pedal Board bought from the ever friendly Mr Misse, patch cables from him too.
Can I buy your GT2? :p

And dude, Tech21 has a new version of the DOuble Drive for 2006. Its called the Double Drive X3. Housed in a TRI AC case with 3 buttons to save 3 settings. I'm thinking the TRI AC and the Double Drive X3 will basically be ALL the tones you ever need.
iM DOIN UP MY NEW PEDAL BOARD - ANYONE WANNA LEGGO THEIRS? pref the aluminium jobs I've seen here in this thread?

PM if anyone wants 2 leggo 8)
ShredCow said:
Can I buy your GT2? :p

And dude, Tech21 has a new version of the DOuble Drive for 2006. Its called the Double Drive X3. Housed in a TRI AC case with 3 buttons to save 3 settings. I'm thinking the TRI AC and the Double Drive X3 will basically be ALL the tones you ever need.

Yeah i saw the 3 X version, but id prefer this cos its discontinued.and takes up less space.

Im thinking of getting a tri -bone or a vox-cooltron , dunno which would be better for me.

By the way, the double drive is quite under-rated for me.It has the tone that i have been looking for all these while.

Sorry shred, I dun really like to sell away pedals that i buy.Hence the GT2 is staying,


see how lah, maybe one day...
fgl said:
iM DOIN UP MY NEW PEDAL BOARD - ANYONE WANNA LEGGO THEIRS? pref the aluminium jobs I've seen here in this thread?

PM if anyone wants 2 leggo 8)

Bro u could ask Mr misse, 120-140 bucks i tink if i can remember.Aluminium kind.
Heh he doesn't make them. He just ordered in a huge batch for people like us :)

Sells all sorts of boutique, niche stuff. Check out his webby cool stuff.
bluearkster - I know..I jus chkd out his web...I mite be goin for the misse black no 1...
Good Stuff.

I suggest you get one, I've bought one from Misse without ever seeing one in real life before. This is the real deal. It's really good stuff, very good for organizing your pedals, and makes the conviniece factor so much better as well.

And trust me, many other softies can vouch for this as well, Mr. Misse is a real pleasure to deal with.


And opened...


I say go get this board.

With some industrial strength velcro your pedals won't budge even when you turn the pedalboard upside down, unbelievable but true!


Hi SoulJah, did you happen to use 3M velcros for ur pedals? I can tell you are using them since your pedals all look damn solid. LOL :p
Eh Nanoshred...inside joke. ;)

I'm just the same like you, an addict in this vicious cycle of GAS...very soon we can form a club of GAS Addicts Anonymous.


SoulJah oooo another RC user, cool little pedal. Ya the pedalboard is way cool,
get the Velcro brand industrial velcro strips. Works damn bloody well with the carpeting on the board, i have to use a screw driver to pry some of my pedals off that board.

Ooo is that a peavey classic 30 i see in the background??

Mrmisse is good la, i heart him for satisfying my needs =) Has a real cute dog also hehe
yeah get the 3m can probably buy velcro straps from those kinda shops too.

I left my pedals with Mr misse in the arrangement i wanted, and he helped me patch it up, with custom sizes too.i came back like in 3 hours to collect them.

but of course i paid him extra lah.

I suggest you get the biger sized one cos its just slighlty bigger than the smaller one, and you'll never know when u may need the space fgl.
tHANX SNUFFLEMAN... email hym last ng - awaitin response...

I got ME30, wah and wireless plus 3 ac connect pts so gonna ned the biggie - hope he has em in stock...
If you gt pedals like the Line 6 Dl4s and stuff just get the bigger one. Just cost slightly more. You will need the space