Pedalboard Pictures!

yea any hardware shop.. and they sell in 100s.. i used cable tie cuz i didn't wanna glur velcro to my pedals.. previous owner did to the wah.. had a hard time cleaning it out..
yea but go for the longer ones.. i gotta use 2 long ones to tie my morley up..

btw i juz got my one spot adaptor, and there's buzz even when on clean mode.. didn't hv this problem on my other adaptor.. any1 knows why?
Nefianz said:

ok this is my pedal board.. juz bought the perfect mesh wire and cable tied everything down..

G-400 --> jackhammer --> pro series II wah --> intelli tuner --> amp

i use my 10watt marshall amp most of the time.. only sometimes when my butt is itchy i'll use the MS-2.. haha..

Is it necessary to tie them up?? Why not just put it in a bag.. :?
moggie_54 said:
Is it necessary to tie them up?? Why not just put it in a bag.. :?

well if i'm gonna bring everything out yea i'll tie them up.. put in a bag they'll hit each other and u gotta set everything up again b4 u play..

i've taken out everything now.. i gotta try and rectify the noise problem 1st.. grrrr.. can't stand the buzz..
I bought it off a dude on luther classads, the brand is CNB i think. aluminium flightcase style. he got an extra piece from some online store, sold to me for $120
Ichiro said:
i will try to get a big picture of it.... coz i am having prob with my com....

The picture is damn big if we click on it... I think it's fine already since you linked a thumbnail over.

Perhaps try taking smaller pictures / resizing them. I also need to learn to take nicer pictures like some others... :D
Haha quite conventional la . . . Nothing special :wink:

Anyway, our guitars look-alike too . . . We might as well just help it along :lol:
hi guyz... now my turn 2 show my pedal board. not complete though.. still waiting 4 my custom made loop selector by theblueark. PLanning 2 get a digitech whammy(mayb some1 cld advise on it :) )
My board is self made n still working on it... thinking on funishing..
