Pedalboard Pictures!

Killer tray! hahaha, that Boss DM2 sure has the vibes. Muchos modulation eh? Cool collection though, how's your signal path like?

Wah -> comp -> Metalzone -> GE-7 -> PS-4 -> Guyatone MC3 -> EVH -> RV-3 -> DM-2 -> DD-3?
purplehaze3691 said:
Vern , u have the best and the most colourful pedal board here and what a nice tray of pedals :)

cheers purplehaze3691

It's a tea tray with a big strawberry printed on it... :oops:
edo83 said:
Killer tray! hahaha, that Boss DM2 sure has the vibes. Muchos modulation eh? Cool collection though, how's your signal path like?

Wah -> comp -> Metalzone -> GE-7 -> PS-4 -> Guyatone MC3 -> EVH -> RV-3 -> DM-2 -> DD-3?

Correct except the Shifter is a PS-5 and the Delay is a DD-6. :)

My floorplan currently...No pedalboard anymore... :D
dude, with a XXL...why you still looking for booster? your ts-9/ge-7 should suffice using cube30 at home only hahaha
Hahaha yeahh pretty much didnt make sense in my setup. Nah the XXL is just for home use. Pedals during jamming and gigs.. 8)
Btw, wizard did u just get ur XXL, was wondering if u were the guy who got it with another friend who got the 5150 combo during the sales.
Lifehouse said:
Anyway, here's my board. Picture quality is sub-par, pretty untidy board which I'll sort out later.


Still lacks a compressor, longer delay.

How's the dirty angel like for rhythm btw? Heard it for leads and thought it pretty cool
hey..sorry to hijack the thread..but can i ask if theres any diff between a dyna comp and a super comp and a keeley comp..haha..thanks
Its like distortion and fuzz and a bit of compression all roll into one. It can do rhythm decently, but its those lead lines where it excels. I like using it inconjunction with another OD.
hahah Yerps~!! Saw ya with the ultra. Hell of an amp. The friend of mine who bought the 5150 is having some problems though. Abit hard for him to play it at home. Can't crank the amp that much. How's ur ultra by the way??
Can't crank much as well. But I bought it knowing I will probably get the attenuator. I've just oredered some SED 6L6GC Power Tubes and EH Preamp 12AX7.
Heres my junior one. When I get back to the States I will post a pic of Big Daddy. ;)


So here's the setup.

Guitar --Tu 2 tuner--Classic Crybaby Fasel Wah--Fulltone Fulldrive 2--AC booster--H20 Chorus/Echo--Line 6 Modulation Modeller--amp.

I normally get most of my overdrive from my amp and I use the Fulldrive 2 or the AC booster to give me a kick during solos or heavier sections. The Fulldrive has a little mid spike which helps me cut through a little more should I need it and the AC booster is a little more compressed.

The H2O is a thing of beauty. I only picked it up yesterday but I used it extensively on a session for some friends and everyone loved it.

I know some of you might notice that my Line 6 modeller has one of its footswitches missing. I know some of you might tell me it looks all beaten up and I should get a new one or replace the footswitch. It happened while on tour and I never got around it(which means I was too lazy to get it fixed). And I have A-Bed it extensively with other Modulation Modellers and for some reason, this one has a bit of a personality. Its warmer, a little higher output and just seems to respond to dynamics better. Of course I could just be imagining things. :)

I don't have a volume pedal even though my pedalboard in the states has one because I hardly ever use it. I am a big dynamics kind of guy and I mess with the volume knob on my guitar a whole lot and I like to move around so I tend to not be close to my pedalboard alot of times on stage. I just got used to getting dynamics solely from my guitar, be it the volume knob or from my fingers.

Finally all this is powered by an MXR DC-Brick. Its been working for me so far but I have only had it a couple of weeks. Its variable so it works in all voltages, 100-240. It powers 10 pedals and has 3 outputs for 18 volts. It powers Line 6 and Digitech pedals with no problem but you need to get an adaptor, which I got from Guitar 77. For some reason, Line 6 and Digitech decided to make their power inputs a little different so standard cables won't fit.

Anyways, there it is, sorry for the long post.

P.S I realise the pedalboard is ancient but I am looking for its replacement as we speak.Unfortunately, I have as yet, been unsuccessful.
Luke said:
And I have A-Bed it extensively with other Modulation Modellers and for some reason, this one has a bit of a personality. Its warmer, a little higher output and just seems to respond to dynamics better. Of course I could just be imagining things. :)

nope i think you aren't. sometimes it's the luck of the draw with electronics, should they decide to use components of less tolerances.