Live 'n' Loaded - Episode 3 - 10 Feb 8.30pm!

honestly i hope foreigners wun get to watch live n loaded, so far the overall impression is really "amatuerish" i would say, though there has been a handful of impressive ones. it would be a real shame that this (the 3 episodes so far) would represent our local music...

yes, lots of trash, a few impressive ones...

this should not reflect the musicianship of singapore, because we know that there are many more better musicians, better bands out there... like for example jack and rai of eic...

i hope the many professional musicians will be exposed on tv, for example, one immediate one i can think of is FGL and his gang, i wonder why this time he (and many other professionals) are not chosen (yet)... yes, i hope to see more Local Talent like these people...maybe they are just too busy doing better things?

when the programme was announced, i was actually expecting to see ppl like jive talking, krueger, paul daz etc... guess i was wrong...

and for the most of the rest, whatever plan sunset or colourful sunrise, they are simply just Local Trash... sing like shit, play like shit...

of cos u can say "if u think u better u go play la", a movie-goer does not need to make good movies to criticize one, a comparison will determine... AH!!!... you're the rotten one...

the trashes should sit back, and watch the talents play...

not aiming at anyone in particular, just an overall impression so far

if i have offended anyone, i sincerely apologise, cheers
Some foreigners - and a few Singaporeans too - are more likely to laugh their asses off or puke into their pockets when faced with aformentioned jive talking, krueger, paul daz types on TV. And a great deal more besides. And why not? Americans can say: we already have our own Killers - why do we need a copy version? Ditto Bryan Adams or Tina Turner types or whatever's hot in the lounges these days.

The most positive response I've encountered from overseas is for bands that are their own thing (and not slanging crap or copy-cat act or genre-slaves). So, in my experience, Force Vomit, Pinholes, Serenaide, B-quartet, Observatory, Rudra get a nod because they have their own identity - something people haven't heard before.
and for the most of the rest, whatever plan sunset or colourful sunrise, they are simply just Local Trash... sing like shit, play like shit...

dude u talk too much trash man.
no respect at all.
they have made it big,
where are you anyway?

behind the lcd monitor crapping abt ppl's success.

but oh well, to each his own.
better bands out there... like for example jack and rai of eic...

I'm glad at least someone touched your heart here locally. Good for you. And I hope you were at least pleased that they performed on the previous week.

i hope the many professional musicians will be exposed on tv, for example, one immediate one i can think of is FGL and his gang

Mr Farid Long and RetroGroove, of course we know them, their existence and the music that they have been playing. I'm glad you look up to them and aspire to be like them.

yes, i hope to see more Local Talent like these people...maybe they are just too busy doing better things?

I'm sure they are very busy, afterall, they are full time contracted performers at our local pubs and watering holes. I respect that they have pursued their passion in music & entertainment by being full time artists.

the trashes should sit back, and watch the talents play...
i was actually expecting to see ppl like jive talking, krueger, paul daz etc...

I am sure these talents (and not trash) you are talking about are the exact same ones you proudly namedropped above? I do know their existence, and in fact, have been in contact with a couple of veteran bands like Heritage, Tokyo Square, Thunderbirds, Vernon Cornelius & The Quests to namedrop a few as well.

and for the most of the rest, whatever plan sunset or colourful sunrise, they are simply just Local Trash... sing like shit, play like shit...
not aiming at anyone in particular, just an overall impression so far
if i have offended anyone, i sincerely apologise, cheers

You said you're not aiming at anyone in particular, but you mentioned the band Plain Sunset and stated that they are "just local trash, sing like shit, play like shit", and at the end of it all, you would like everyone to forgive you.

Thank you for supporting local music, Plaid. Your comments are taken note of, and perhaps one of the episodes, your local heroes as you mentioned above will play on the show.
Great changed timing!

Faceoff will be playing! :) 11pm good timing on thursday nights and many repeats ! weet.

Greattttttttt LnL!
There have been loads of requests for us to showcase bands like Mesa Virz, Impiety, death metal, deaf (lol, no such thing called deaf metal, by the way =P) metal, post-hardcore, post-metal, postbox, all the nip tuck corners genres of music that one can associate with.

Believe me, we try to push limits with this production, probably putting our jobs on the line each week, but there's only this much that can really be showcased on national TV. We can push the limits, but not break the rules. Hope you guys can understand that. It's not because we favor certain genres of music, but we have a responsibility as a TV channel collective to cater to fellow Singaporeans who at times.. << sniped for brevity>>

Sebas, for Live 'n' Loaded

It's really good to know that you guys have given serious thought about fulfilling the metal-listeners' hope to showcase that genre's local gems. Very touching for a metal enthusiast like myself. Thank you loads!

Rudra get a nod because they have their own identity - something people haven't heard before.

Wait, wait. Where did you got this? Reading that made me JIMP'ed!

I would still watch the show and hear for any hidden work of art though. =)

- Nemesis
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Wonder what kind of producer's approval or screening do some bands have to go thru.

That band with the weird female vocalist(think its pervy boy) has the worst song i ever heard in my life.Tts exactly the kind of band who thought its cool to have an album and 'forced' their friends and family to buy their album thereafter.

Seriously, its better to change to a later slot than having people exposed to such 'not so good' music.

Im not a hater. I do support local. Just being honest.
lols. i think episode 3 didnt seem as interesting as the previous episodes. hopefully episode 4 would be better! looking forward to it.

also, Plaid, at least the bands have the guts to play live on national television. and Plainsunset is already quite a big name in the local music scene. i dont think they deserved to be dissed this way by you. lastly, i believe LNL is a show that can give the new/amateur bands a "feel" of how it is like to play in front of a live audience. this way, they can gain more experience and exposure and they will be able to meet up to your expectations, dont you agree? give the bands playing on LNL a chance. (:
That band with the weird female vocalist(think its pervy boy) has the worst song i ever heard in my life.Tts exactly the kind of band who thought its cool to have an album and 'forced' their friends and family to buy their album thereafter.

That band Pervy Boy wasn't the producer's pick maaah. It was the viewers' choice from the LNL website. So it's either the band voted themselves in or they got friends and fans to do it. Most of those viewers' choice sux la. so far, sea bed sound, shigga shay (omg!) and pervy boy, all not very good. but what can the producer do right, because kena voted in to No.1 already? LPPL!! haha!

I think so far, the producers picked Kay Swisha, For This Cycle and Rachael Teo. Music Industry people have picked Fatskunks (leonard soosay), Eden State (chris toh) and ENX (muttons). correct me if i am wrong ya?
You're really ticking me off

honestly i hope foreigners wun get to watch live n loaded, so far the overall impression is really "amatuerish" i would say, though there has been a handful of impressive ones.

If you ask me for my opinion, a lot of bands that have played so far are pretty impressive. Yes, there are a few bands that "weren't too great" but still at least they had the guts to perform out on National TV, doing what they like best. And they weren't THAT bad like some other bands I've heard. They still managed to keep up a standard that made the show enjoyable.

it would be a real shame that this (the 3 episodes so far) would represent our local music...

Well, either you eat your own words or you mean them. Can you do a better job?

yes, lots of trash, a few impressive ones...

None of the bands were trash. Believe me. If the band was able to perform live, and still glue over thousands of peoples to their seat and force them to spend an hour of watching the googlebox, that is good already. Trash bands wouldn't be able to captivate an audience or be allowed on National TV. Believe me, I know. I don't watch LiveNLoaded live. Bo bian, I'm in camp on Tuesdays. So what I do is record it down, then when I next book out of camp, I watch the show. The thing about recording the show is that you can fast-forward segments of the show you don't want to see (which would be more of UTT doing his MC job, cause I find them a drag... Not that he doesn't do his job well but I just want to listen to the bands! :p)
To date, only ONE band has made me press the FAST-FORWARD button. Yes, I've watched through all the "trash" bands because they were good. They did their job well, they entertained me, and over thousands of people in Singapore

i hope the many professional musicians will be exposed on tv, for example, one immediate one i can think of is FGL and his gang, i wonder why this time he (and many other professionals) are not chosen (yet)... yes, i hope to see more Local Talent like these people...maybe they are just too busy doing better things?

The show's main aim is to EXPOSE local talent. UNSEEN, UNHEARD talent. Amateurs. That is who the LiveNLoaded team want to expose

and for the most of the rest, whatever plan sunset or colourful sunrise, they are simply just Local Trash... sing like shit, play like shit...

So, then, who would you want to invite to the show to play? Which band has yet to sing or play that badly? Give the LiveNLoaded team the necessary info and recordings and see whether the rest of Singapore agrees with you

if i have offended anyone, i sincerely apologise, cheers

Interesting. You go one whole round, literally insulting half of Singapore's music scene, then turn around and ask for forgiveness? Are you saying this to cover your own butt so that you won't be hated or really saying this out of sincerity? This hardly seems sincere at all

If you really think this way, fine. I've got two words for you then:

To Sebas:
you guys are doing your work well. Continue to do work well. I've enjoyed watching the show, and so did a lot of other people in Singapore. Thumbs up, hope you guys can continue this show for many many more seasons to come
'whatever plan sunset or colourful sunrise, they are simply just Local Trash... sing like shit, play like shit...'

wow. just, wow at the comment. i always had this notion that no one can hate PS. guess you cant please everyone.
Thanks for clarifying Asphalt. They are honestly really bad.

And its the same band who got to perform at Singapore Indoor Stadium! What a joke. What an insult to local music. There are tons of more deserving local bands.
Mr LiveNLoaded, pls find my response below

I'm glad at least someone touched your heart here locally. Good for you. And I hope you were at least pleased that they performed on the previous week.
jack n rai are not the only impressive ones, as mentioned earlier there are a few in my humble opinion... eden state rocks too... look at the stage presence and confidence the frontman leading the band has, as opposed to those who can't even stop their legs from trembling on stage

I'm glad you look up to them and aspire to be like them.
when we like them we dun aspire to be like them, we jus enjoy watching them perform

I'm sure they are very busy, afterall, they are full time contracted performers at our local pubs and watering holes. I respect that they have pursued their passion in music & entertainment by being full time artists.

i respect them too, for their level of musicianship, not like the trashes here, who can play a few chords and think they have made it "big" already

I am sure these talents (and not trash) you are talking about are the exact same ones you proudly namedropped above? I do know their existence, and in fact, have been in contact with a couple of veteran bands like Heritage, Tokyo Square, Thunderbirds, Vernon Cornelius & The Quests to namedrop a few as well.

i'm sure they will help to boost the viewership rate

You said you're not aiming at anyone in particular, but you mentioned the band Plain Sunset and stated that they are "just local trash, sing like shit, play like shit", and at the end of it all, you would like everyone to forgive you.

"whatever plan sunset or colourful sunrise..."
- denotes however popular some of u may be in this pathetic tiny community, it does not mean u r gd in any way

i do not know (or care) who plain sunset is, i jus use this name because its probably mentioned most no of times in this thread. it is jus my way of calling the so call popular bands (again in this pathetic tiny community). tts y i say im not aiming at anyone

at least eden state rings a bell to me so much more than plain jane or colourful sunset (whatever)

Thank you for supporting local music, Plaid. Your comments are taken note of, and perhaps one of the episodes, your local heroes as you mentioned above will play on the show.
no, we thank you, sincerely, mr livenloaded cheers

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