Live 'n' Loaded - Episode 2 on 3 Feb 8.30pm!!

Haha dude, some of them went for review sessions with the producers.

ah, then i take what i said back. i was just assuming but now that i know that bands actually go for a "stage test-drive" then i know the standards expected from the producers themselves.

then i believe the bands that didn't fair that well on stage could only mean that they didn't have much experience on stage. nonetheless, Live'n'Loaded is still a platform and i hope they do branch out elsewhere to further progress.

kudos to the guys of Live'n'Loaded! keep the standards up!
live n loaded

Helo..this show reminds me of the older times of rolling good times and that show that Gurmit Singh host...oh i remember "Live on 5" coz i can vivdly remeber that period of time..local acts were the buzz..i remember padres performing..who else..hmm.."KICK" haha..all old skool..but then again..after that 90's era..local acts were quiet again..n now Live n Loaded...its like macam a cycle like dat..but then again jus wondering for the kids who were there watching the u guys really talk to urself tht "wa lao..this band really crap sia" or sumtin like "wa lao..this guy sing off the key sia" - im jus wondering whether u guys really say dat in ur heart..coz from what i see on tv..most of them were crap..i mean i have to be honest ah... if i were a tourist from sum country n see this show wif these bands on national tv..i wud be tinkin like..crap man..this is wat singapore has to offer..serioulsy sia..sum bands were bad ah..

n i tink we shud take this opportuniy to use these precious air time n get good bands to play first..jsu to kickstart the show..then eventually get those "producers" pick bands (n hopefuly thay are at a decent criteria where they play well - at least sing it in tune) - if not..its like not fair to those bands which are much much better that those played the other nite who oso not that known but still can play well..

n to that rapper guy who speaks wif an accent..haha..k la.maybe he was born n raise sumwhere..if urself a chinese a singaporean who go play soccer or pool or karaoke or wateva u abengs do..rapper offence la hor..skali u really2 have that accent..then case close..oh ya...rap n rock together like tak kena la..cannot la..dun have this featuring2 la..wa lao..haha k newbie so i hope i dun create any buzz but cmon la..featuring n stuffs..cannot la..rock is rock..rap is rap..unless it really gels then its ok la..if not..better dun sia..really spoil market..

the show is about showcasing local talents, and we have to acknowledge that it involves all genres of music made locally. local music is not just about rock or indie bands, so stop being tunnel visioned, people.

too bad if rock & rap in one show does not go down well, but we have to know the show is about local music and not local bands.

kudos to the live n loaded team who produce this show!
I don't intend to stir any trouble in this thread.

Its not about the music genre etc, its about the way they present themselves on stage. If an INDIE band have that rockstar attitude, then people won't like. More worst, creating a hate video on youtube and making a joke our of themselves. hmm.

my 2 cents.
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I 100% agree with biopromax..

Music is music, they are all the same. I'm not against hip-hop and I actually like it!
I even thought of including rapping in one of my songs! It's just THAT group of people! Well nevermind, i shall not continue anymore in case i get ban...

Let's get back to Live N Loaded!
I don't intend to stir any trouble in this thread.

Its not about the music genre etc, its about the way they present themselves on stage. If an INDIE band have that rockstar attitude, then people won't like. More worst, creating a hate video on youtube and making a joke our of themselves. hmm.

Nobody will have the idea that our local music can't make it. :)

my 2 cents.
Why then you post your comment as such? If this issue gets to the masses, MDA, Mediacorp and other sponsors will not want to do shows that support local musicians anymore. Who will benefit in the end? NOBODY!

Want to help the local music scene? Look at the bigger picture.
Live n loaded

But does anyone here tinks n feel that when they saw that ACS band..they sang offtune n it's not tight..I mean yes I noe they r young bla bla bla but cmon at least decent enuff to sing's a song by the killers rite if not hard can dat's jus to me that period of time can be replace by sumone or sum band better dats all..they had like 6-7 pedals jus for that's funny la..n ya..

As for the genre wise..I'm aware of this local this n that n all music is universal..but cmon la..dun mix them yet can..I appreciate rnb n hip hop coming from a rock bg but there's always a part where hiphop n alternative or grunge or rock can gel if it goes well but wat I saw is like makin them gel jus for the sake for the if u wan to make a song rite wif featuring snoopy g or sumtin better take time to appreciate the song then incorporatethat beepbox thingy..k la..dats all..jus stating my opinion.,dun get mad watsoeva..we already have too much chaos here in this world..
I'm all for promoting the local music scene as I do think that we hae substantial talents out there however, I have to admit that the ACS band seriously sucked. Firstly, the vocalist sounded like he was singing karaoke. Secondly, he seemed more focused on keeping his hair in place then actually playing and singing (properly). I don't mean to make it seem like I'm attacking them on purpose but if we are to showcase bands like these, it's no wonder people will hang on to that mentality that local bands aren't as good.

On another note, AVA's performance was splendid. The only gripe I had was that they were cut off before they finished their performance. And that 'exposed' band called for this cycle? They were good too. Like someone else said on this forum, we need quality control!

But kudos to the Live 'n' Loaded team :) KEEP IT UP!!! You definitely have supporters for this show!
Hi guys,

Maybe I should give my perspective on all your discussions here.

1) Shigga Shay the 16 year old rapper was voted No.1 by the public on our website, and thus he was invited to the show to perform his song. He is a "Viewer's Choice", so that's who the people wanted on TV. So after his TV debut, no doubt he generated a fair bit of discussion about his originality, his accent, his attitude, etc. Fair share of lovers and haters, and that's what music is all about. Either you love it or you hate it. If you think there's no QC, then do something about it, because he is a Viewers' Choice, your call. The Producers picked For This Cycle, he turned out to be a gem. Music Industry's representative picked Eden State, and that's their choice as well.

2) Some feedback on Finding Michelle, the band from ACS. It was obvious it was a first big gig for these boys and you can see the singer had mild stage fright, forgot his lyrics a little but was still trying to recover and rock it out. Look at it this way, it is seriously not easy to perform live on TV even for seasoned gig performers. With all eyes on you, no room for error and all. If you're at an outdoor gig, you forget your lyrics, you can laugh about it and by the next song, everyone moved on. On TV, you're being scrutinized under a microscope by a million pairs of eyes. The segment is to encourage young musicians to get going in school, so give these kids a break. They deserve encouragement more than insult. Constructive feedback would have been preferred.

3) Live 'n' Loaded is a show focused on featuring all kinds of local talents. We have singers like Olivia Ong, Mark Bonafide, Alicia Pan... percussionists like Wicked Aura Batucadas... electronica musicians like Muon in future episodes. On our website, we have a good number of R&B Hip Hop Rappers showcasing their stuff as well. This is about Local Music, this is not about what you personally like, so let's make it clear what we set out to do here.

I agree that Quality Control is VERY important in order to boost the impression that people have on our local talents. Anyone and everyone can easily say "There are better ones out there!". Sure, the producers are talent spotting, the music industry representatives are recommending and you as the viewer/online user should do your part and push for deserving talents on our Live 'n' Rated Chart, that's why we left that option opened for you in case you turn around and say you weren't given a choice.

Be it rappers, violinists, singers, beatboxers, scratch DJs, bands, acapella groups, as long as they are LOCAL, they are our focus.

Live 'n' Loaded SUPPORTS LOCAL, not just LOCAL BANDS.
On another note, AVA's performance was splendid. The only gripe I had was that they were cut off before they finished their performance.

I would also like to clear the air about the last performing artist on every Live 'n' Loaded show.

We usually cater duration for the last artist to perform ONE full song and it being a live show means that we usually have buffer time in case earlier performances stretch out longer than we planned for. Therefore, it is a bonus for TV viewers to actually watch and hear AVA perform "We Are Not The Same" and followed by a portion of "Crestfallen".

"Crestfallen" was meant to be a studio audience special, along with other encore tracks like "Mirrors" and "The Departure".

Still, we have recorded all these video and audio clips, and have uploaded them on our website so that fans can enjoy them.

I hope this clears everyone's question on "Why the last band always get their song cut off half way?". And the reason is as above, and also, we have to hand over to News On 5 at 9.30pm sharp.

So for this coming Tuesday, if you get to see Plain Sunset close the show with 2 songs on TV, you're lucky!! If not, it's the studio audience there who are in for the special treat!

Live 'n' Loaded team
Hmm....ok ok...ACS band was nervous....and yes their 1st big gig....but why did Live n Loaded choose them?.....there are other great bands.....they should just play at some other gig beforehand or their teacher's day concert dun u think...and not straight away on tv...i agreed with some softies comments that if a tourist were to watch the show...they will think...omg...bands from singapore producers do choose wisely ok.....peace everyone....ACS band.....just stick to school concerts ok....can practice for teacher's day.....this year...


I have not watched this week's Live n Loaded, but I have seen this band play a few months back. They are no where near ready to be playing on big stages where the entire Singapore is watching and judging at the same time. No offence to the band, but they are simply not up to standard. Give bands who can make better use of the opportunity. It will pave the way to a better show and a better music scene for Singapore.

+9999999 to the foreigners part.

If you want to promote young talent, I strongly believe there are other young bands who are better. You may look at the winners of Singapore band challenge under 17 category finalist and/or other competitions that showcase young talents in Singapore.

Choose wisely, we are judging. Muahahaha.

With all that said, thank y'all for putting up this show.

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