Les paul players

MrE said:
bin4christ said:
sorry to ot,but is ther much diff. between a set-neck les paul n 1 with a bolt-on neck?

yes. definitely. a bolt on will not sustain as long as a set-neck.

Lets also understand we are not talking about 1 sec longer sustian. Neither will it be 1/2 a second longer.

If a bolt on is done properly.

It should sustain almost as good as a setneck.. losing out by a couple milliseconds.


Here's my greco rockspirit flametop.Everything is stock.Amazing feel & tone to it.
MrE said:
me been with my Burny LP for almost 4 years now... made in Taiwan i think.. but i've been quite satisfied with the tone it gives me still :D

like everyone here knows, thick and warm, great sustain!

while there are many famous players who use LPs, i dont have a particular LP hero... just love the tone u get from these babies


is it bolt on or set neck?
ShredCow said:
Lets also understand we are not talking about 1 sec longer sustian. Neither will it be 1/2 a second longer.

If a bolt on is done properly.

It should sustain almost as good as a setneck.. losing out by a couple milliseconds.

That is so right...the last time I tried the Epi Special II, it was so long that I had to stop the strings myself...
Gentlemen, an LP is not complete without REAL PAFs. Not your crummy ones that come stock on Epis or the modern Gibs. Those do NOT have the mojo.

Go to ebay. Search for Gibson PAF.

There's an origianl 1960s on sale.

Just 1.

A couple thousand bucks.

But think about the MOJO of having a ORIGINAL PAF in your LP! After all... its all about the tone!


*P.S. Back from lunch... so had to do this.. hahaha... do check it out, an eye opener.
DarknessFury said:
That is so right...the last time I tried the Epi Special II, it was so long that I had to stop the strings myself...

is it just me or does anyone else find that comment damn hilarious
hahahahaha :lol:
ShredCow said:
Gentlemen, an LP is not complete without REAL PAFs. Not your crummy ones that come stock on Epis or the modern Gibs. Those do NOT have the mojo

Ahh, that's just treading on dangerous ground, too strong a statement to make. You'd be putting down a lot of world-class players who use modern LPs without PAFs.

It's may be about the tone, but its not just about ONE tone.

Hahaha... killinghall, its just a quirky stab lah. ;) Chill... but realy, go check it out. Its ridiculous what ppl would pay for an original PAF. Itslike the grail of tone. And yes, to them, its that ONE tone... strange eh? :P
Collector's value thats y its so inflated. But hey if you have the cash y not. take it as investment. 10 years later you prolly could sell for twice what u paid for it
haha..nice lps guys..hmm...i have a lp too but its very different ..haha..




sorry ar the pics abit blurry..hmm mine is a gibson les paul double cut..its less than 4 mths old..haha