Les paul players

Lifehouse said:
Nowadays the non-custom shop Gibson, has weight reliefed holes. Alot of people have something against it. But I view it as a plus. Lighter guitar won't stress my back so much. In fact, the one I tried wasnt that heavy at all.

I think it depends on the person too, if you're like a huge guy like 6' 5" or something you probably will find the LP to be at a comfortable weight.

On a side note I was at GIM(Malaysia) like last year and tried a LP copy freaking heavy, some where ard the 13lb (5.9kg) mark when I asked Geffery the weight.

generally we asians r small built and the LPs just prematurely age your back for u making certain curves more pronounced. but i think another option if the LP is the way to go is to get a very much broader strap to decrease the amount of pressure in the area. but i love the playability of the LP at the 9-15 frets and the look is just a classic.
Its all abt perference i guess, the only reason i bougth the classic was the neck and the plain top, hated the hums in it too harsh to me, plus it was cheaper than the standard.

Lack of upper fret access and weight are issues but its just soemthing that you get used to, like i cant stand ibanez necks way too thin for my liking.

But weight is an issue, your shoulder will ache, after a long practice and a gig the next day my shouder was sore for a few days after.

The only les pauls which are remotely light are the Custom Shop pieces where they use the higher grade maghony bodies with no weight relief holes. Production Les Pauls are around 8 to 10 pounds usually i tink. the custom shop pieces are lighter.
Actually, for a very long time I shunned Les Paul. Too heavy and abit muddy. I tried the Classic and didn't really like the sound due to the ceramic pups. So I'm actually very fortunate to hear how the Burstbuckers perform through a Fender Deluxe Reverb.

Personally, like ciel, I cannot stand wafer thin necks as I get tired of playing very quickly, so the 50s or 60s neck from Gibson is a very good compromise for me to play on. I haven't got much to complain about the 60s neck thus far.
ciel21 said:
Lack of upper fret access and weight are issues but its just soemthing that you get used to, like i cant stand ibanez necks way too thin for my liking.

Dun bluff loh... someone was actually nearing shred territory with classic rock/blues stuff on my IBANEZ Saber loh! 8)

U just need lower action! :) Just a little. Like 1 mm. :P
cant stand the 50s neck haha i gt small hands cant play properly with that hah.

my favourite neck carve is from fender the 70s fender strat necks damn comfy to me. Tried kerr's 70s fender oooo way nice man.
I've tried the Gibson Les Paul Custom 57' Reissue. Very nice guitar that has aged nicely. Ebony fretboard. The feel is good, neck just nice, not too chunky. Tonewise, the tone is balance and has a snap to it normally associated with strat-style guitar. I think it's a pretty good value, considering the price Orange Guitar is looking for it.

I've also tried the inhouse Uno. Tone is very good. The maple cap is very thick and the neck is shredder friendly (at least for my friend), but comfortable. Control layout is good. I'd have prefer chrome hardware though.
yah, from the serial number, it's either a real custom historic, or it's a real 57 piece! for that price, should be a historic lah. :) you know what i mean...

but even so, like what Lifehouse said, it's really at a good value. i have come across a few in ebay and the closing prices ranges like USD$2400-USD$2600... that's about SGD$4000!

he probably doesn't know that he could fetch a higher price in ebay... ha.
dunno abt that, prob with it is there is no certification which brings the value down and the tuners were changed which again brings the value down. so 3.5k sems decent i tink.
i think orangeguitar got it wrong man...

his piece is 1993. gibson did not provide certification for their custom historic until year 2001 or there abouts. and Grover tuners were used for their 57 reissue.

the guitar is all stock and nothing is missing...
a les paul will never be my type of guitar. it appeals to me, but sorry man i dun like the way it's constructed and i dun like to play it. hard to play it man haha

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