Les paul players

Anyways this is for you Les Paul Fans out there.


On the left is my Gibson Classic with P94s, Center is an Epi Limited Edition Standard with the Bird's Eye top, On the right is a mid 90s Epi Custom in Olympic White.

The Custom is one of those Epi buys that you would love affordable plays well and sounds good after a setup hah my lucky friend bought it off Guitar Connection.

Anyways if any of you guys is interested in the Limited Ed Epi, drop me an email. Has a comfortable C shape neck, sort of like a 60s neck carve but a C instade of the flatter U 60s carve. Sounds good too, my friend was gassed by the white custom and he could only keep one so.. anyway interested parties drop me a pm.
I stay in NTU hostel thats our hostel jam room, and we're the hall band so we have the key. Its pretty much ours. all my gear is in there. Perks of staying in hall hahah free jamming. The other 2 guitars belong to ark's other band's guitarist. Mutual Friend.
yea was looking for either this or the lighter honey burst. Plain top too, dun like the flames and stuff. trying to find ways to make it cut that little bit more. tink its cuz i have a 250k pot in the bridge needa change it out.
ciel21 said:
yea was looking for either this or the lighter honey burst. Plain top too, dun like the flames and stuff. trying to find ways to make it cut that little bit more. tink its cuz i have a 250k pot in the bridge needa change it out.

same here, i'm not big on flames or quilted tops.

i always thought the original pickups 498T and 500T ceramics would be enough to cut through... now you got P94s and still not enough?
tany said:
a les paul will never be my type of guitar. it appeals to me, but sorry man i dun like the way it's constructed and i dun like to play it. hard to play it man haha

i thought so too, initially.
slash and that les paul was what got me playing in the first place.

first proper guitar i bought with my own money was an epiphone les paul and now finally this :D

i guess the guitar sorta shaped how i played rather than finding a guitar that suited how i played.
I got the Darkburst/Goodwood combo, I emailed Jim, told him the kind of tone and style of music I like and he recommended me the Crossroad/Darkburst or Darkburst/Goodwood combo.

Decided to go the DB/GW combo since its has a fatter tone
