Er.. BD2 = hi gain? I think it's high gain if you're using it as the main dirt pedal into a cleam amp but not as an overdrive to push an overdriven amp.
Yes and no (cause Bd2 needs to be modded to do the tricks)
Aft mod the BD2 drive from (o'clock) 8 to 10 = clean boost, 10 to 1 od (open sounding type) 1 to 3 Dist and 3 to full= its reachin fuzz territory !!
I tried overdriving my amp with the BD2 and I don't really fancy the distortion I get as compared to the TS. Same results in cases where I overdrive distortion pedals. Maybe I'm into the compressed tone. :? Don't fancy the "open" tone.
The tone function needs mod here ...but its subjective
Talking about Muff. I was using it for metal riffing for a little while in fact. Gain/Sustain at 8 o'clock and pushed by a TS9 and it's METAL! An alternative for you guys to try. :lol:
MY Fav :wink: