Davis provides the worst service ever!

Ahaha, the uncle and aunty didn't seem to be in the shop when I went there today with my friend. Business seems okay for them leh, still quite packed with customers (while me and my friend stood outside drooling at the guitars on display)
When I go to Jack's place to eat, I sit down and the person comes to me and ask me what I want to eat.

When I go to Macdonald's I have to go to the person and tell them what I want to eat.

When I eat at the famous chicken rice stall at hougang I better know what I want to eat or I'll get scolding.

I still eat at all 3 places. :D
theblueark: very nice illustration dude,so i reckon those 3 eating places symbolised the three guitar shop in sg? how bad or how good their service are,we still have to go to them anyway,ahahaha
Actually it just symbolizes the different marketing strategies different shops have.

And that we have a choice on where we wanna shop.
The angry grumpy old uncle that scolds everyone may not be my favourite person, but man he sells great chicken rice for cheap.
You may not like it though, and might want to buy from the store opposite.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to do things, it's just a matter of choice.

Davis chooses to frustrate the "trying" crowd, and looses their potential deals, in an attempt to make more deals with, and keep the "i want pristine, no scratch equipment, no need to try" customers happy.
This is their marketing strategy, and maybe if they tweak it a little, they'll make more deals, but suffer from high blood pressure and facial cramps from smiling too much. Who knows.

And as customers even more so we have a choice. The shops have to sit there and wait for us to come in, whereas we have to power to browse.
good analogy by blueark

i mean if u wanna buy LTDs or ESPs or MArshalls youhave no choice but to go to Davis

but the fact that their service sucks remains
well, you cant deny the fact that the marshall,esp and ltd is still in very very very good condition,99.9%
i can afford to buy anything from davis without checking or trying and confident that its in tip top condition
but when i go to sweelee,buying w/o checking whether the instrument is faulty is a big no no
k the fact that ppl have had good experiences in davis proves that maybe the staff had a bad day or somethin liddat when i came in. Or they have a problem wit arabs, well most people do, but i dare not comment on that, haha. Yes i was quite shocked by their reply to my complaints. I thought maybe he/she would take it constructively, but i guess i was wrong. There goes their attitude problem again. haiz. Just my 2 cents lah, but in the service line as far as i know, you have to make your customers right no matter how ugly,"bastard" or idiotic the fella's face is. Unless they start using physical harrassment then maybe you can do something about it. But innocent customers who want to buy something from your shop deserves some respect. If u think u have personal problems and cannot deliver good service everyday, don't deal in the service line. Do something else. Y i say this is because, when you do this even once, u build a bad reputation for your workplace already. Lose customer? am i right?
heh, prolly the shops can afford to lose that few customer just like that. After all, the shoop been around, and will continue to be around longer more then half of the people in the thread even started playinng guitar or even listen to music...
^ that's definitely not the reason to be so rude to customers. I mean, they should just lower down their harshness in service.

if you want to use longevity as a reason to be rude to customers, then I guess alot of stores would do that too. But no, most people STAY with a store because the service is good. I think panz3rr is not asking much, just a little bit more of a good service rather than amazing.
service couldn't be that abysmal @ Davis because there are many people here who received good treatment while shopping there. if there aren't any good instances in the first place, then the bitter encounters related here would be something to be wary of. the thing is, people step into Davis expecting unbecoming treatment when it's in fact their maiden visit there. why is this so? because they read about it somewhere...

it is hoped that the negative instances shared here would remain personal & there should not be any conjunctions with the intention to disrepute.
just like in any relationship, boy/girl , husband/wife or friend/friend, both parties must make effort to make it work.
there are so many people here ranting about the service that Davis provide. why dont you all just express your displease at the spot with them the next time this happens to you? maybe you will get a better explaination from them that way, rather than coming here to complain, complain, complain, complain, complain, complain...
as blueark said, we need them, we go there. their prices are reasonable, though the service may not always be 10/10. and yeah as TLB said, why not voice your complaints to them instead of complaining?

to date, besides the not so knowledgable auntie, i find the service at davis rather favourable.
sometimes...its when there's too much smiles (ehem..like some other guitar shops) that's even scarier....
had a frd of mine who went there to get a prs guitar. he noe his stuff and he noes wat he was looking for.

"hi... am looking for tat prs bla bla... can testing 1st?"

answer given to him by the staff: "wah... tat 1 5k plus leh... try tis prs la... 800++ only. same 1"

end up...my frd walk away and went to swee lee and got himself 2 gibsons :lol:
Davis sucks. I never had good experience everytime I stepped into the shop. I am not at ease. Everyone is watching at you closely. Makes me uncomfortable. I want to touch their guitars also quite scared. Want to ask also quite scared, thinking I might ask the wrong question and get scolded. The aura and the atmosphere in the shop is simply too negative.

Different when I go to Ebenex. When Beez was there, I feel relaxed and at home. I picked up any guitar and start playing and Beez was ok with that. Next time when ever I want to buy a guitar gear, the first thing that comes into my mind is Ebenex.

In short, if your service sucks, dont bother to be in the guitar selling business. If you think scratches are more important than your customers, then I suggest Davis should not be in this type of business at all. At the end of the day, the customers are the ones that provide their ongoing livelihood.
Davis - reasonable price and lot of gear -
two thumbs up......
Got my first guitar from them more then 15 yrs ago ( when some of you still wearing diaper ) - when they still a small player as compare to Swee lee ( unreasonable price and crap gear ...i rather get things online then from them)

AND now a proud owner of A ESP eclipse --- after trying 3 ESP guitar ( at the point of not buying any)
Auntie still smile at me ,in a busy Saturday afternoon ----

Maybe it how you feel from the start when you first step into the shop -
If you feel they suck from the start then they will suck -
but if you feel good with them , they will treat you good...

if you know what you want insist on what you want , and tell them straight..
think they will be please to get the things you want ... without going round the circle

It a shop you wont get chop on your dime..$$$$