Davis provides the worst service ever!

lets look at the scene from the shop view ya.
(the scenario below is purely fictional ...)

Young dude walks in ...indecisive... asks to try out a guitar which is brand new, without finger prints or scratches ...just grabs with a rock star attitude but doesn't even know that its not tuned.... aberthen ...wankin bollocks ...still indecisive asks for another ...to cut the long story short ...walks away to ask mummy/girlfren... if can transfer another couple hundred to get that expensive shit that he never tried ...which he wanted all along.

Now ...multiply that kid with another ten ...??!! Now we have, instead of a new guitar >>> grease filled, scratched piece of fine instrument which the shop brought in with a small margin due highly competitive guitar market!!

Let me tell you this fellas ...i have tried more guitars than you have underwear's in your life ....i have never ones asked Davis to try any of his guitar ...why ...because i know what i want and i just get it!
I have had my bitter sweet memories with the Davis's but i won't bitch abt a local 'mom n pop" shop on a public forum for such petty things.

Most of you clowns buy shit loads from the net based on utube unverified clips or from some forumite who swears by his gods !! Never get to try still buy ..Come ..on lah !!

Even at GC i have declined countless times when asked to try their used stuff .... i was not brought up trying ...neither did my parents *try* me ...
i want- i get period !

Heck, even in OZ i declined twice but finally gave in since the fella was persistent and said this instrument is for testing purpose only !

One of the biggest shop in Germany just ignored me completely eventho i bought their over priced strap lock ...no choice desperate !!

Don't bring you personnal issues with local shops to forum ...unless its was something serious tha needs attention. If the shop don't like your face what can be done ...too bad ain't it mate !!
:smt098 all you rock star wannabes !!
I may have lost some future customers with my post and remark ...heck ... IDGAF!
i got a cheap amp from there last year. i wasn't satisfied with them at all. They only let me play for a few minutes, with 2 guys staring at me, but i just bought it anyway because it was cheap. servicewise, they could do a lot better.
hi..but even you done your homework..

you know what you want...you brought it without testing it...
what if it's not working or function well???

you still have to go back and resolve the problem Right???

come on...no matter how angry you are or what.you still have to put a nice face+ nice service= 100%

chicken rice ...laced with 'mad cow' (no ill intensions to a certain *cow* from this forum)

please say i talk too much ...so i talk too much .... :twisted: :twisted:
This is really weird. I have had 0 (zero) no bad experiences with davis. Their service is actually not bad. However Alan from guitar 77 yeah, Alan Koh. I was there once and asked a question regarding whether the les paul hanging there was a 50's or 60's neck. He said, "the sticker is over there, can see for yourself what". Nevermind, i seeeee for myself. Then as i was checking the guitar out, he was telling another customer, saying "aiyah actually all also the same one lah, 50's 60's all the same one...no difference". Lousy attitude. Drinking his stupid booze and what not, playing lousy ass blues with overcharged guitar prices. I wonder which bozos go to him for guitar lesson.
alan dosn't work at G77! he's just a instrutor in which gets commision recommending though g77.

so call it, "old fren of tha shop" ya?

he dosn't work there so chill dude =D, don't let the impression fall.
I didn't get any bad service.
But I sent my guitar in for repair one time, and it was a replacement for the cable input thing.
They took 2 months+, charged me a three digit sum and did a half-assed job of it.
I've never been in there to try a guitar or anything, so I can't really judge their service, but I'm guessing they don't really give a shit about their customers, only the money in the customers pockets.
Taylorboy: same here. think amidst the ffa bashing, those might be isolated incidents. For me, no problems buying strings there, even tho i had the auntie use the long pole to bring down and put back numerous boxes of strings.

and even guitar. my grandfather bought his acoustic there with no problems. Even went with my friend once to try 3-4 different acoustics, and the salesperson, this younger guy, was extremely patient with us, smiling thru out.

sometimes we get crappy service from the macdonalds auntie too, despite her wearing a huge button with "service with a smile", tough. if you're gonna be picky about a couple of incidents like this, migrate to japan. OT, but got to say the service over there as a whole is almost flawless.


y squabble on who gives a bad service...

well enuf said... if u want info on the guitar u like, go on to the internet.... If you really want to buy, then go down to the shop... try it.. Anyway, they are all human and have their bad days, so just understand them. In the end, it is u who gains thru the enjoyment of you new gear and he... commission plus money to the shop.

i wouldnt say who gives the most rubbish service... but i think i receive the best service at standard value...
I bought some of my stuff n a guitar from there, janet(is that her name?) was very friendly, sincere, and kept encouraging me to try this and that b4 buying. That was like a couple of years ago, havent been playing the electric stuff for a long time already though, but my impression of their service is good. :)
i bought a couple of stuff from davis,like head,cab and recently my 5 stringer...
i did my research thoroughly on the products and i go there for testing purpose ONLY when i got enough money,if the product is up to my liking then i grab straightaway,keep doing that routine whenever i purchase my stuff and they never give me any single problem till today...
for my 5 stringer,i was expecting higher price than what they had to offer,but they keep the price so reasonable,that's what i respect about them [for my case,but for their PRS,im not too sure since i dunno much bout guitar pricing]
i have tried more guitars than you have underwear's in your life

omg goose... do ppl like try underwear? i thought they like dun allow ppl to try underwear for hygiene purpose or sth

yea anyway i dun rly think i get bad service from davis, just gotta be decisive when telling them what u want

there was one young guy at davis who use to be quite unfriendly to me till i got like specific in telling him the exact models of guit/amps i was looking for, then he started answering me seriously... of course those fellas who go in and just point at some random guit and go "that one how much ah?" and repeat that to a few other guits and decide to try one and start playing their smoke on the water and butchered sweet child on clean, its inevitable to get a cold shoulder from them

i think all the 3 young female staff there are nice and they rly put in effort to answer ur questions and tend to u

the elderly woman nvr smiles but still tends to u quite ok

the old man is errr, dowanna say la

if i were running davis i wudn allow ppl to try the my higher end guitars like the gibbys, ESPs and PRS' (esp PRS) if they didnt show me the moolah, sorry thats the reality, i honestly wudnt want someone adding grime to a 4-5k guitar when they have no intention of buying it or are not at least 80% sure they want it and thats probably how davis staff felt... the fact that they give u that min to play is good enuff to get a feel of the guitar and to hear its tone for someone making a decision to buy it or not

haha lol in terms of freedom to try, ranking la, can just randomly plug in and play they dun rly mind much... but a few of the staff dunno anything except the prices of the stuff that are in stock and how much discount they cant give u...
This thread has by now clearly shown the different experiences at Davis.Some are positive and some are negative.

So, lets all stop turning this into a bitch-fest and move on cos I honestly can't see where this is all heading to.
Service for customers is very important!!!
But customer also have to think something....

I also doing the business near Davis...
At first time I want to make very freely space...
If someone want to buy something, have to try!!Correct!!
So I did...3K+, 4K+, 5K+...expensive guitar...with full tube amp...
with good pedals..

After that....
sometimes I found some scratches...
now I wrote...don't adjust settings...for my personal pedalboard..
but still...after customer leave...I have to adjust again...to my sound..
and have to check condition of guitars..

I think...
If need something, there is also something have to keep!!

Actually very difficult to see people who try be carefully....
price is not important...cheap one or expensive one..
all same!!

have to think...
If U want to buy something, and when U find a scratch...can U buy that one with joyful feeling???
I don't think so..

If customer want to get good service, customer also have to keep important thing!!

When I trying guitars not mine..I played carefully...although second hand..

I still have same thought..
want to buy...have to try!!
but I feel harder to keep my thoughts...

Sometimes I also buy something in Davis..
When I bought PRS513 ($10,000), I could try with Marshall amp..
When I want to buy amp, I could try various amps with my guitar..
(I carry my guitar when I buy amp or pedals..to know good combination with my guitar)
When I went there, if I saw many peoples..very busy...
then I waited to ask to them..until they finish talking with other customer..

IMO it`s just misunderstanding...
Customer and seller....have to think each other...
and try to understand...
We meet because we like music...not enemy...just friends!!
to be fair to Davis, I had no problems when i bought my ESP LTD over there. the guy was really helpful and allowed me to try the guitar for quite a while (no time limit). and this other girl (not janet) helped me test out a few pedals too. yup.. so as far as i am concerned i dun really have any problems with the shop.
zakk has one point. Not everyone who tries out guitars leaves them as clean as others. Some give it a ding or two. or just alot of pick scratches.