Davis provides the worst service ever!


New member
K i just came back from davis. Didnt think they would be tt bad, but i was wrong. i ask whether can try guitar, the aunty tell me cannot use pick ( later scratch the guitar). What the hell? so im suppose to finger pluck wit distortion? 2ndly there is a time-limit to test out their guitars. fella just asked my friend " issit ok?" and turns off the amp and stuff with that attitude face. HORRIBLE SERVICE!!! Anyone has a similar experience?
that V Ltd. a few mins later i went to guitar 77. tried a 1k+ guitar also. fella let me play and play. he catered to the customer unlike davis staff. tsk3.
haha yea. i tested their guitar there b4 also, they told me cannot use pick, if scratch must pay. then i said, 'yea ok' and used a pick to test out the guitar. i eventually bought the guitar from them as i was already eyeing on it before anyway. haha.
scratch?? on the pickup cover or wad?

if the body..man...so far i've hardly scratched the body while playing.almost never..well juz givin myself some allowance. :D


i got that attictute also...i was trying out a BC Rich Warlock and the dood kept staring at me like im some kinda alien.

then after a while he says "how is it?" then offs amp and snatches guitar from my hand

oh..and not to mention he plugged the guitar into the shittiest, smallest amp there


i dont think i need to narrate my experiences at G77..especially when uncle Beez was there.

Ppl from Davis if your reading this, go learn a thing or two about this thing called "customer service" from G77

I tested guitar 2 or 3 times there. And they always plug into the smallest Marshall amp there is.
And always stand beside me and stare at my playing. As if im gonna smash the guitar up while they are not looking..

It put me off, so i din buy anything in the end.
Depends on who's serving I guess. Bought something from them today and the service was ok like previous buys.
mike from standard value let u play around... ive tried in davies, they will be there like staring at u playing and trying. kinda scary though
i cant play while ppl are staring at me.... so unnerving.

hmm going down peninsular tmr... go guitar connection/g77/davis...

just wanna get a strap from davis... didnt know they so strict one....

luckily g77 sell the LPs that i am eyeing :D
g77 service is great.

talking abt davis, i had the same experience too. actually i wanted to try out one of the ltds for fun but then, that old fello stared at me so hard, until i back away.

he plugged all the other ppl who were testing into a 5 or 10 watt suziki amp lol.

totally different experience at g77, where kerr and all were there.
i was having a great time just playing around with the schecter omen.
they didn't care how noob i was at that time, we just had a nice long conversation which made hours few by!

-1 from davis
+1 to G77

EDIT : thats what made me get that very schecter on that very day immediately
I second that, Davis Guitar's service is totally horrible.

Last week when i went to Davis Guitar to try their Fender Japan Bass guitar, the old uncle showed me a "what the hell you want to do to my bass" attitude face. My mom was getting ready her money to pay the deposit for it, the old lady says we got to collect it within 2 weeks if not she will put it up for sale again.

As we are going overseas for a short trip with my mom's company, so we got to put a deposit first. My mom was so angry with her that she just walk out.

After that we went to G77, Rui attended to us. My mom likes Rui a lot, she told him "You're good, you know your stuff. The old lady over at Davis Guitar sucks". Haha, he was like blushing. i bought a Sehecter Bass guitar from G77, damn nice and hot bass!
dont really want to add fuel into the fire. Just because im a small kid. Dont think im some dumb idiot who has no idea about how to use pedals. I recently sent in a pedal for repair(Shant disclose the model) and they told me they would contact me aft 2 wks.
Aft 2 wks. i heard nothing. I called back they say still checking...
after 1 mth FINALLY, I got a CLEAR ANSWER. "No we cannot fix it". I ask her why(not janet, janet's customer service is defnately a tad above the rest. ) she say i use wrong adaptor. She say dont use adaptor.. Just use battery. heh, i was like going to say. heh.

Using Batterries in my situation will not help as i play countless number of gigs and it just isnt practical to remove the pedal from my pedalboard to replace the battery after each gig. I didnt. I SHOULD HAVE. Seriously.

Dont wanna swipe at em again but. IF YOU CANT FIX THE PROBLEM BECAUSE YOU AINT GOOD ENOUGH... Tell the customer PLEASE. Dont try to tell him/her its beyond repair and all that crap. I just got the pedal back and will be bringing it to our nice renoun pedal techs on soft.

Just my 2 cents and my rants. haha. you can ignore me if you wish.
i always see this dude at davis and he attends to me most of the time. I go to him most of the time too. when i was trying a guitar, he stuck this thin shet of plastic on the guitar and lent me a davis guitar pick after i paid, He let me keep the pick. I still don't know what his name is though...