Davis provides the worst service ever!

to be honest i dont feel very comfortable in davis as well, i just walk in, buy whatever i want and get out of there.. it's just this certain air about the shop..
when i was a *little boi* uncle davis looked scarry to me too :lol:

One thing for sure ...customer service needs improvement !!

If were to own a shop in that area ...i might provide *home brew* to just loosen the wallets a bit ... :lol:

As I'm sure many can see, alot of us have different purchasing experiences at davis, but the bad service comes from only *one* or *two* individuals who man the store.

That said, this is not the first time that people have reflected their bad experiences on SOFT (this is what.. the 3rd or 4th thread already?). With due respect to the folks at Davis, I would kindly urge them to review their service standards. I see so many folks here on soft complaining about some old guy... you get what I mean.

However I would also acknowledge their improvements so far, and keep up the fair job! Only had one or two bad experiences there myself in the past when I was a kid, but recently has been so much better.
hmm i think the problem is that there is no "testing" booth at Davis ..
i mean something like the glass room at swee lee...

furthermore is its crowded, not sure how u can test the equipment..
i dun feel comfortable when eveyone looking at me ..haha :)

perhaps Davis can convert the other unit (that house the amps ) for testing purpose and under supervision or appointed a senior sales staff to overlook..

if the sales staff are experirnce enuf, sure they can tell if the customer gonna buy or not...

what you think ???will it work ?
i find the service there much better already... especially after the onslaught of newer guitar shops in the area with competing products.

nowadaes i even get a pack on the back from the uncle when i buy strings...
maybe he was trying to hit me.. but no strength .. i dunno.. :?

Oh and i bought a $185 takamine kapok guitar... and THEY GAVE ME A pick.
i was shocked.

hahaha... and yeah janet is always a attractive factor to go davis.
eh...Chanmin, you mean 'hit ON you' or 'hit you'? :lol:
Just kidding lah...

If there's anything to learn from this thread, they are:

1) Both shop AND customers have their responsibilities...shops' one being providing good services without too much hindrance and customers' being careful and being considerate when trying out the goods.

2) Know your stuff! Shop/employees should have at least some background knowledge or some expertise cos there are always customers who don't! Vice versa for customers...do your research first, cos there will be times you get misleading/inadequate info from the shops/employees!

3) Be friendly lah. And I mean both shop and customers! For customers, you're not a rawkstar nor a millionaire who can slap people on the face with your money. And the shops, you're not the only source of getting da goods. Being a little friendlier helps and customers also feel better and more at ease mah.

4) If all else fails, buy from the net (at your own risk).

You guys oughta be contented lor! Being a lefty, I bought all my guitars from the net without the luxury to try them. One thing I have to disagree a little with gsonique (no offense!) is that even though you have done your research, can read the all the specs (right down to schematics), listen to soundclips, read feedback, etc...some things just need to be tried out to get the best product...example, feel, frets workmanship, even the sound itself. Cos even if you've played the same model from the same factory, there are minute chances the feel is different, the workmanship not as good, etc...so, if there's a chance to try out the product, I'd go with that than just get something off the shelf without trying.

Just my 20cents (cos I wrote more than 2cents)
my one cent.

Davis was never my favourite shop(now to think of it, I never did have one!) BUT Davis has got all the things that I need at a REASONABLE PRICE.
So no complaints here.

I get worse attitude from that nazi at that Fish Soup stall at Bukit Timah Market.
just dropped by davis today, what i can say is, what i experienced today just justified the topic :roll:
not again...

and again...

and again..

then, again.

soon, again.


Hmm, actually, I don't think I've had that "bad" service there. Not Bad, in the sense that they are rude, but more Bad in the sense that, apart from Davis himself and possibly Janet, who really I couldn't care less whether she knows anything or not, just stand there and hand me my strings...! Yeeeahhh..... ahem!
Anyway, the rest of the people know next to nothing unless it's something very specific like... "Do you have DR strings?" "Uh, let me check (looks at the string gallery)...DR.. DR... DR... yeah! We do!"
The Aunty, you must catch her on a good day, or be like me, always bring my baby along, then all of a sudden, she is very nice to you! hahaha! :lol:
In my experience, the worst service is still Swee Lee... the best is well... I'm pretty picky, everyone has their faults.
G77: apart from Rui, the rest of the guys didn't even look up at me when I was standing in front of them (they were too busy "repairing" something).
Luther: Raymond always seems to be too busy with other customers...
Guitar Connection: they always assume I have no money...

OMG! It's not them, it's ME! :roll:
seriously..i havent had much problems at davis,g77,GC or swee lee..

swee lee apart from the price discrepancies..

most of the time..i'd rather they leave me alone..if i need their attention..i will do smth to get it..

say....drop a pricey guitar or smth? :lol:
While everyone agrees that the service has been good and bad, I think that davisguitar really did themselves a disfavour by replying in this thread in that manner. It just strengthens the case against them. I mean, why take a defensive stance if you're not guilty? Why not just handle the situation more diplomatically and explain the reasons (and I'm sure they're justifiable reasons) for restricting the use of picks etc like how zakk did! After all, you ARE in the service industry, and customer relations and service is always number one. Switching off the amp and snatching the guitar away from the customer is like shutting someone up in the middle of a conversation - it is just plain rude la.

I think those in the service industry must learn from other countries like japan, they're the best. They searched the whole emporium for ONE pack of biscuits that my parents wanted, WITH A SMILE.

Then again, it's like a 50-50 thing, the service should be good and the customers shouldn't show attitude also...btw I personally havent had any good or bad experiences with davis, but a few posters saying the same thing means it can't be wrong...just my 2cents

Every time I go to Davis in reminds me of the movie ' My 50 first Dates'- the one with Drew Barrymore.. I've been there countless times to buy strings and guitar accessories (since 1990.. I think) but still they never 'recognize' me.
Unlike Beez or some other guitar shop...they make u feel welcome and remember the business u've gave them.

My two cents :roll:
No point ranting and ranting right?

If you don't like the shop just don't go back there lah, or write in to them to complain.....
yea..horrible service, kinda rude for my liking, wanted to buy a gig bag from em and i said it was dirty, do you have a new piece...they said No new piece, what is there is new...oh well...

Guitar 77 service rocks!!
a noob like me.

I'll just go into davis, drool at the guitars, drool at janet then byebye.

Hmm prev week, I dropped by davis. The service was okay though. Asked the guy with very long hair if I could try out the acoustic guitar. Tried for awhile and he helped me to put the guitar back to the rack.

I guess it's the way we approach them too. Then again, the uncle and aunty looks scary la.