Boutique Gear: When did you fall for them?

ShredCow said:
Thing is, I don't know, I'm no tech. I only know, what I hear, and all dirt pedals with op amps in them, sound that particular way, thats all. Prob all of them are ts clones or something, but I really wouldn't know.

Now that you pointed the nitty gritties out, then yes, I think, along the lines of what you said, I would like to hear something like that.

If op amp = transistors, can it replicate that open-ess of a simple fuzz design? or something.

Again, I dunno nuts about electronics, I'm just being curiously anal. :wink:


Unless we start cloning cows !!
Actually... with regards to tubes... If you don't like go, guitar to tube amp, then you're not really making use of the tubes right?

Its like, you go guitar --> pedals --> clean tube amp

So your pedals don't push the amp, and they provide all the distortion.

In that sense, its really not making use of "tube-ness" is it? Its just a clean tube amp. More depth, more warmth, nothing more. No sag or whatever mystical thing happens?
ShredCow said:
And i would think a better analogy is, does electricity cook my type of rice better? I happen to use fire, and lots of people use electricity. I don't like what I taste when I use an electric cooker or hybrid electric cooker... I haven't tried all electric cookers, but all I've tried, have the same blane (IMO, to my ears) taste.
Its not cooking my rice the way I want it.
Now either it (electricity) simply cannot cook my rice that way I want it, or I've not tried one that can.
I hear your opinions, probably facts, that there is a cooker out there, and I've been asking for one such cooker, I just want to try it out.

with all the trouble, why bother eat rice? eat french fries lah! :lol:
I would, and I am, but I gotta let you know since I'm sincerely trying to find out answers.

I'll find them off the forum now, since it seems like maybe, I sound like I'm trying to pick a fight here.

A lot of "I"s there eh? ;)

Yeah, I'll go meet up with Edder or blueark or something and ask in person. And of course, if they think its a waste of time and its really a pointless thing to go about asking, sure, just tell me, but I would appreciate some form of explaination first.

this thread... waste time only!!! hahahaha

ok lah shred cow... no offense lah.

I think I've said enough on this matter.

From a builder's point of view... they all tools. Bipolar, Jfets, Mosfets, Opamps, small wattage power amp, yadda yadda yadda. As long as it helps me to get to what I wanna achieve, case closed.

From a player's point of view, "Boxy" doesn't necessarily means bad and "Open" doesn't necessarily means good. Different tools again and different taste.

No one can argue about taste. Its personal.
Sure Edder... I do understand the matter of tastes, hence, I just want to find out if one of your tools, can do something to my tastes, thats it. If its not the right tool, or if its a tool that can do it but complicates things, just let me know...

This is purely for my needs, my tastes... whether an op amp based, according to Ark's specifications above, dirt pedal can sound like my blackstone, which I deem as open sounding, something I like.

Though, sideline, I don't believe in recommending things to others, that are out of my taste lah. 8O :roll: :wink: :lol: hehehe...
On another note....

I got my Lovepedal Lo Yesterday in the mail....(thanks daniel)

I got mine Black..absolutely beautiful(pic sometime soon)

This nothing like I have ever seen....or well actually heard....It feels like a very low gain cranked amp....It is INCREDIBLY TOUCH SENSITIVE....very dynamic....But i think the best way to put that its nothing like I have heard before....its got this character which i havent seen before...i spoke to sean a lil more about it....and he clarified that this was because the pedal basically simulates power amp distortion without adding any preamp gain...crank the gain up and there is this saturated lowgain sound that just makes me go mad...

ps played it through a les paul and roland jc-50

Cant wait to get my Skreddy Siren to stack with it....

This ones a keeper...(Daniel thanks again for helping me;))

cheers :lol:
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
so after all the stacking, how does the overdrive or distortion sound like?

Remember my Mangojuice....looks like i should have ...ok re-issue comin soon ...the mini version +++ mojo.
A blackstone has 4 stage gain inside it...

Stacking is cool... stacking is good... stacking is versatile... tends to preserve dynamics...