I know...e RaptureShredCow said:hai...
So no one knows of any op-amp based dirt pedals that don't sound "boxy"?
ShredCow said:yeah... you are right. I'm glad I can still play with op amp pedals! :lol:
But yeah, I'm not trying to be mule-headed, i'm trying to learn and figure out stuff. Its my tonal preference and its what I've been hearing all along, so thats all. When I ask for an "open soudning op amp dirt pedal" thing, its really a sincere request.
I hope I don't sound, well... sound the wrong way.
PatheinRaindropMoe said:lets just play, use the pedal outta the box instead. Use overdrive for white noise pedal, fuzz for crunch, and distortion for pink noise cascade into overdrive white noise, on the amp to 10, throw in a delay, modulate the hiss while playing with the delay time and repeats, to form the basic outline, loop it into looper, overdub with clean guitars riff over it and it will be boxy no more! Woooooooohooooooooo
I toast you my beer!
theblueark said:What if the opamp is a clean boost before diode clippers?