A pricey experience
Just wanna say, next time before you deal, check up on the prices of the items people are selling. Check previous threads/deals if possible/available. And don't be rash in your dealings. Sometimes waiting a few days for a new deal to pop up can save you quite a fair bit of $$. A friend and I had a bad experience of paying more than what we should have for 2nd-hand items that were in worse condition than what the seller claimed (well, we felt cheated, but that's a subjective feeling depending on how you'd like to view the situation).
Admittedly, it was our fault for not doing enough research. Not to mention that we also had the option of turning down the deal there and then, but (stupidly) chose not to. In the process, I paid $40 more than what I could have, and my friend ended up paying $60 more than what he bargained for. Yes, stupid on our part. But later on we also found out the stuff we got was priced quite a fair bit higher than the usual.
I'm not gonna mention names here, because for one, it can be argued that there is really no standard pricing for 2nd-hand items. Furthermore, we had agreed to the deal and didn't back out when we could have. Lastly, I'm also not one to shoot any particular persons down.
My point in sharing this experience is so that other softies (especially those who have less experience in 2nd-hand dealings) will not encounter a similar experience and pay a steeper price than what they can/should get. $40 to me isn't too much. But still, it's the principle behind the issue.
Sellers, please be reasonable with your prices. I know quite a fair bit of people are (I've had very pleasant and good deals here too). It's just the few that mar our experiences.
And buyers, moral of the story, before you buy anything 2nd-hand, do some research. Check previous posts/deals, check the price of the item brand new, check what the item should be like, check for photos from google or something, ask for photos from the seller, ask for boxes/papers/certs/etc., ask if it's possible to try out, or even ask others for their opinions on how much you should pay. And don't forget that if you don't like the item when you see it on the day you deal, you always have the option to turn down the offer (unless of course if you've signed a contract in black and white stating that if you don't buy it, some member of your body will be chopped off). Just because you send a PM on soft or an SMS, doesn't mean you're 100% bound to buy the item. Until the money switches hands, the deal isn't done.
This is just my advice (you're free to take it or not), and i hope this will help someone somewhere down the line from being cheated. All the best to everyone in their future dealings!
P.S. paiseh for the lengthy post!