WORST BUY/SELL encounter you had??

huh wait.. is this even a flaming thread? what has this got to with flaming? lol.. sorry blur man. someone make it clear! haha thanks:)
It's not flaming, as we're not naming names and accusing people of trying to cheat others. Although a particular shop has been named, we've said it has only overpriced its customers.
It's like Sony. Heck everyone knows that Sony overprices their goods because we're paying a "premium" to be assured its good quality from Sony. Other companies also can produce equally good stuff at a lower price but hey. People still buy Sony's products every day. Look at the VAIOs. Easily can get the same specs at a lower price from other brands
I recently posted wts on soft,then got this guy wanna 'buy' it,so he suggest via sms that he has no money and wants to trade with 'his'/'her' Sony ericson phone,then i told the person i dun want , cause it might be gotten via some other illegal sources(you could never be too careful) and ask him to contact me after he sold it himself,then all of a sudden,the person just dissappeared .

I just wanna caution you sellers,if u meet this kinda buyer,question the source of it,esp phones . And don't stupidly accept it,for what you may know is getting on the bad side of the grass patch .
Just a sidetrack: If you're worried about phones being obtained via illegal means, you can always check if the phone is wanted by the Police on https://www.psi.gov.sg/NASApp/tmf/TMFServlet?app=SPF-HITS-SCR&isNew=true&Reload=true :P. You can screen your phone's Imei number there to see if it's wanted. If it's first hand, it shouldn't be a problem. But a word of caution to 2nd-hand phone users: don't be surprised if you screen your phone there and find that it's wanted.

Then again...this thread isn't about handphones is it? :P
I recently posted wts on soft,then got this guy wanna 'buy' it,so he suggest via sms that he has no money and wants to trade with 'his'/'her' Sony ericson phone,then i told the person i dun want , cause it might be gotten via some other illegal sources(you could never be too careful) and ask him to contact me after he sold it himself,then all of a sudden,the person just dissappeared .

If I'm that guy I will be pissed if you think that the phone I wanna trade is stolen. It's the same as saying "Bro you steal the phone is it?!" :mrgreen:
yea very impt to check the item like the origins if your doing a trade. better to be safe than sorry:) ask your more experienced friends:)!
Which reminds me. Anyone seen a Sony Ericcson w760i, black colour? Mine got stolen last year and was never found.

Do you have the Imei number? (can be found on the box if you still have it). If you have, you can screen it on the link I provided above. I believe if any SPF officer has screened the HP before, it will show. I believe it's also possible to lodge a report online regarding your lost hp (not sure if it's using the same system), so that if your dear policemen do come across it while performing checks, they will take action. :)
Lol what are the chances of finding man... haha. Sorry to burst your bubble! haha.
police wont care about all these la.. women's handbag kena rob also they dont care. haha.
but u can give it a try. i lost 6 wallets and 2 handphones.
^ It's not that they don't care, it's just that delegating people to look for lost wallets is a HUGE waste of their time and manpower. It's the police, not the lost and found.
Mine isn't from SOFT. Mine was on a game forum (and that jerk still post casually online like he's oblivious that the incident happened). He told me to reserve the game for him, which I did. So I contacted him and asked him where to meet up since I'm free to sell it to him anytime. He didn't reply, and ignored all my messages. I sent him 3, first to ask when to meet up. 2nd if he's still interested in the item, and 3 informing him I'm selling the item to someone else cause he's being an irresponsible buyer. I sold the game to another promising buyer after that.
someone asks to buy my pickups. i remove them frm my guitar.

he (she actually) then asks me to lower the price after we had already decided on it, saying that he (she) didn't have enough, and wanted to borrow from his (her) sister.

later, after i had desoldered the pickups, he (she) promptly replied me that someone else had given him (her) a better deal, and he (she) just backed out like that..
^ It's not that they don't care, it's just that delegating people to look for lost wallets is a HUGE waste of their time and manpower. It's the police, not the lost and found.

I second this :) . The point of lodging a report is not so that police will go find it. It's so that firstly, in case anyone returns it, police know who to contact (and yes, it has happened before many times). Secondly, for phones in particular, like I said, if a PO comes across a stolen phone, due action will be taken. Bear in mind...a report lodged doesn't gaurantee you the return of your lost items. It's just a link that is there for action to be taken in case the item is found (and I regret not reporting the loss of my 1st gen ipod a few months after i bought it =/)

Policemen are after all, only policemen. They're not supermen/women. They have many cases to attend to everyday too. What you expect out of a policeman might not actually be a part of his job scope. After all, I should know...if you get what I mean ;)

As for robbery...trust me...they don't let it go that easily. What you see is only that much...what you see. Much goes on that you don't see :)
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