New member
huh wait.. is this even a flaming thread? what has this got to with flaming? lol.. sorry blur man. someone make it clear! haha thanks

I recently posted wts on soft,then got this guy wanna 'buy' it,so he suggest via sms that he has no money and wants to trade with 'his'/'her' Sony ericson phone,then i told the person i dun want , cause it might be gotten via some other illegal sources(you could never be too careful) and ask him to contact me after he sold it himself,then all of a sudden,the person just dissappeared .
Which reminds me. Anyone seen a Sony Ericcson w760i, black colour? Mine got stolen last year and was never found.
^ It's not that they don't care, it's just that delegating people to look for lost wallets is a HUGE waste of their time and manpower. It's the police, not the lost and found.