WORST BUY/SELL encounter you had??

Words are cheap. Lots of pple not keeping their word in the classifieds. Keep this in mind, and you'll not get disappointed so easily in your future tradings. And yes, make way for those who are sincere to deal with you. It's not that difficult to identify.

Keep a list, if you feel you're in this ad thing for the long term. It sure helps to surface the good as well as the bad traders...

And lastly, this kind of thing, take it easy lah.
Thought it was fine too. But some guy said wrong section:/ ok I won't feel guilty. May be I should do down payment. I still young, blood pressure wont rise as fast!! LOL . I wanna see how bad people's experience are. Hopefully this thread can point out problems n even solutions on how to deal with it:)
I never had any bad buy/sell experiences... Maybe because I just choose to deal with someone else whenever somebody lacks a certain sense of punctuality. Ruthless efficiency always wins the day!
Hopefully this thread can point out problems n even solutions on how to deal with it:)

Argh, a word of caution. People may abuse the thread to turn it into a flaming session. Seen plenty of that on another particular forum which I left so long time ago.
In fact, everything people not in "the clique" that "the clique" there didn't like turned into a flaming war.

Hmm, that aside.
I think there can never be a real fixed situation that would fix every single problem. Perhaps people who read this thread would at least understand how to deal with certain people when making a deal. Like, people who want to deal with superpotato_30 would now know that he insist on a small downpayment if you're serious to buy his goods, etc.
But, there are always the ignorant people who read and throws everything out of the window. And not everyone would read this.
Also, dealing with different people would require different ways to deal with him.
Like my S4 said, there is no fixed solution in dealing with people. For those studying psychology, what you learn will not guarantee 100% work; there is no textbook answer.
So, if lets say we want to do cmoe up with solutions, bear in mind that the answers won't guarantee work all the time.
Besides, most of the textbook answers have been debated before :p
yea, since most deals i force my brother to deal on my behalf, blame him if anything goes wrong! haha thanks!
well, i was rejected trading an ex ibanez because it had an upgraded bridge, a gotoh one, who in the right mind would rather want a shitty stock bridge.
i travelled all the way to the north to deal to get rejected by a small kid who doesnt know his stuff lol
Flaming?!?! Wow. Didn't know it is possible even with this thread. Let's hope against hope that people will see this thread open mindedly and in a fair and just way:) keep the peace people!
no bad experiences so far. im not a fussy buyer. heh.

i buyer, see nice thing at ok price
- if no pic, ask for pic.
- try nego abit, if price said firm, then dont.
- got money, deal ASAP
- if i not enough money, i just sound my interest first and tell by when i can deal. whether he can keep it for me till then is his decision. he can let it go to other people up to him.

i seller:
- pics, price, place, phone number posted (woa PPP#P) everything necessary is posted.
- price slightly nego
- nonsense googleable questions gets ignored
- first to confirm, gets the deal
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i encountered one...sms me all night late hours...those desperate types of buyers..spamming me with same old smses..then when e day of meet up...not even a soul
so far all the buyers I deal with are good, or else they will not be buyers....the worst are all those who "talk only".....and never buy...

ask all kinds of question as though they gonna buy..in the end, no intentional of buying at all...hahaha...

or those who offer you a ridiculous low price and when you thought...maybe I should just accept that price since I am not using it....there is no response after that....means that guy just offer without intention of buying....HAHaHA

but when i am free..i will just play with these funny people and laugh it off...HAHAHA....they are the ones who make life not so boring..hahaha
i dealt with this guy before, shall not mention his nick.

after selling him a pedal i told him i give him 1 day personal warranty aka returnable. but after 3 or 4 days then he come and ask for a return saying that the pedal not working(only working with batt but not an adaptor).So i told him to settle himself as he was supposed to come back 1 day later.

then he got really pissed and scolded vulgarities over the phone all.So next day i went down to penin and brought it to see what went wrong,and i offered a 50:50 for the repair costs but he got really pissed and continued harrassing me until i got fed up to the point that i didnt want to help him solve the issue at all.

So i left him alone and on that night he called me several times threatening to murder me,listen ah, MURDER. powerpack. i replied how are you going to get to that? then he warned me to watch out on the streets or whatever haha,after that he texted me 1 week later saying some nonsensical stuff forgot what alr. this was the worse experience ive had so far.
if he doesn't reply then look for someone else. It's not like he ask you to meet then don't turn up. Or he meets you and say only got $X and cannot withdraw money. Yours isn't too bad. If he doesn't reply means he's not interested.

One of my first few deals, 2 years ago was to sell off a Planetwaves pedal tuner. The buyer asked for a better price and i gave him something like 15 dollars off the asking price. We met at an MRT station and dealed inbetween the gantry. Then he told me, here's $__. I can't give you the rest of the sum because the atm is outside. In other words, i gave him a bigger discount than agreed.

Come to think of it, i was a dumbas* to seal the deal back then and i regret doing so, but i've learnt from my mistakes. It was one of my first deals and i was quite paiseh to turn him down. Moreover, this dude was physically intimidating too. He was probably a head taller than me and twice my weight. I know his name, school, band and SOFT username so i try to warn friends who are dealing with him, incase he pulls off a stunt like that again. :\