Why i no longer visit soft.com

Aiya this thread has gone out of hand. It's simple really.

Those who don't like the forums, will leave. Those who like it with its flaws and all, will stay. All the talk about asking more people to contribute, though well-intentioned, will probably have as much chance in coming true as george bush getting elected for a third term. The only permanent thing in this world is change, and you can take that as a given. So why be surprised when the forum you previously frequented changes? Either go with the flow or find somewhere else to your liking, there's not much use in coming back and saying "Hey you know, the forums weren't like in the past, because of this this this and that"

Just my opinion, if anyone is offended, my apologies :D
i'll be a jim beam girl. haha.

haven't been back in a long time, partly due to the influx of pointless thread starters and spasmodic people who post nonsense which are irrelevant to topic etc. and also because i've been really busy as well. so glad to be back folks! <3
The more we get together together together

the more we get together the merrier we`ll be

for your friend is MY friend n my friend is YOUR friend

the more we get together the merrier we`ll be
soft said:
ShredCow, it is easy for others to give up on SOFT but can I? or should I?
i was awed . i hope we can all aim towards that kind of community sprit.

No man. Let it be. We all have our ideals and thinking, I have some thoughts that I'd prefer over what you are doign now James, but its nothing big IMO.

At the end of the day, there are communities here. 2 examples.

Just the recent Tremol-No gathering. We met @ 7pm. Checked out stuff, talked about gear. Then we headed to Burger King. And talked some more. We had a great time.

Then head back a few more weeks, GeadHead Convention @ NTU. Man, it was just GREAT fun and a joy to meet up. We all had a good time and with ideas being exchanged and stuff.

How did we get to meet up and stuff? Via SOFT.

Those who wish to be a part will be a part. Those who don't want to, will sit back and just well... be Wizards of Oz. :)

Mero is very right. I don't hope to see more people contributing, even if we had some "SOFT Be-More-Charitable" Drive. Its not going to happen on a big scale. I'm not impressed by the comments made here in this thread, the people who complain aren't contributing in much of a way. So, why bother? Its a community so yeah. No loss if one such person goes. :roll:
If you dont like it too bad....I do :lol: and I'm staying...try and make me go...just try... :? go on...I dare Ya :lol:
orite orite no more beer :twisted:
u're missing the point james.

you ARE already running this as a business of DFP.
since it's been bringing in quite a few advertisers..i say this is doing pretty well.

haha what's with the jim beam girls and the highly paid executives?
u need all these to run an online forum?you're getting out of point..covering yourself :oops:

you need peeps like us to stay and contribute for the "community", so this forum continues to be profitable for you.

thing is...i don't think many of the users here know this is a profit making business from you.

instead of misconceptions, why don't you tell everyone?

i guess most of them love this forum you created, but it's fair to tell them the truth?

to be fair at least :wink:

p.s. : i do not want anything from you, so do not think i'm blackmailing you LOL!
Shredcow: Yeah i did contribute before.

James: Making this forum into a business-like entity is an excellent idea.


I stated my reasons in the opening thread as why "I" no longer visit here. Those are just my reasons. Many of the replies here as to why they continue to visit are perfectly understandable and justifiable. To each his own.

However, i just felt that i'm not the only person who has taken the "why bother" stance like foorensteiner has mentioned, while still avidly participating in other forums elsewhere.

This thread isn't meant to rally support for a boycott of this forum, but rather to help boaster the efficiency, effectiveness, and popularity of an important channel in the music community. I wish to highlight these issues to allow this place to be even better and allow our community to grow, both in numbers and assistance rendered.

This isn't for anyone else's good but our own. OUR community.
foorensteiner said:
thing is...i don't think many of the users here know this is a profit making business from you.

I seriously don't think that James is making money out of soft.com.sg.

1. The bandwidth on this website is rather crazy. You're talking in excess of $100+++ in maintainence.
2. Yes, there is advertising involved. James has to pay for the bandwidth somehow.
3. It is rather draining to maintain a forum alone. James has to maintain and possibly delete some extreme/seditious threads, even if he is not the originator of the post. Without going into legal mumbo jumbo, he can become responsible for such posts just by not moderating.
4. I think James is saying he should run it like a business, which implies he isn't running it like a (profit making) business currently. If you say it is a profit making business, do justify your claim.

Anyway I think whether or not this website is a profit making business is irrelevant. There're just so much easier ways to make money than setting up a website such as soft. James organizing monthly outings in the past, I'm pretty sure he doesn't get any form of money from Earshot (we're just lucky Earshot doesn't get pissed with a noisy bunch of peeps! :lol:).

Some other thoughts: Let's face it. Beyond concepts such as music theory, a lot of what we learn an instrument is very much tacit knowledge - best taught face-to-face. Too many forummers don't understand that.

Also, some knowledge are people's ricebowls. I respect Mikemann, GC, embryo and a host of other people who contribute to the forum even when could have just said - bring your stuff to me, I'll charge you and repair/fix your stuff for you.

I'm not sure where soft will go. I see some people just sign up, come in and demand for information. It pisses people off. Some take and never give back. Some give but wonder why they never get back anything. Somehow, soft has to balance this inequality out. A balance would be welcome.

My 2 cents

Ian... @ GearHead Convention, Edo and i agreed you were looking totally Spinal Tap.

Angst-ridden Rap does NOT fit you man....
mero said:
All the talk about asking more people to contribute, though well-intentioned, will probably have as much chance in coming true as george bush getting elected for a third term. The only permanent thing in this world is change, and you can take that as a given. So why be surprised when the forum you previously frequented changes? Either go with the flow or find somewhere else to your liking, there's not much use in coming back and saying "Hey you know, the forums weren't like in the past, because of this this this and that"

inspiring.. a person with calibre.. :smt038