Why i no longer visit soft.com

Vio said:
3. There is only ONE moderator. IMO that's unhealthy because the whole forum is run by the perspective and beliefs of one single person. A group of moderators might give some form of democracy. IE: this place is very PAP without the opposition party.


i VOTE for James heehee

but soft in my opinion is getting too rojak not much about music lay? last time i find soft quite useful but now it is like very boring & irrelevant ...this site must evolve to stay relevant & also must promote more classical music not only band & pop music...
Vio said:
1. Unavoidably there will be nonsense postings and attention seekers and trouble brewers in all forums. However due to the younger mean age of forumers here, there tend be a lot less productive discussions than useful informative debates.

I slowly starts to agree with you.... Youngsters nowadays gets bored very easily... a simple or irrelevant nosense post gets them all excited whereas a crucial, informative topic on music makes them all dumb-founded and seems like draining their brain-juice all away... Nothing much you can do about it as its more of a social, upbringing problem. Kopitiam is just too full of nonsenses that makes my eyes bleed...

Sorry if my post seems unpleasant to your eyes... Just wanna voice out my honest opinions...
There can be only one head to control one body. If there are 2 or 3 or more heads trying to control one body, see how much can be achieved??

So what is the solution? One way is to make more bodies, so that each head can control each individual body. Another problem, won't that dilute the essense, and make it become bland. Risk turning a general community to an isolated one.

I am thinking out loud here about the situation present currently. This webby is a definative local musician website for practically everything in the local scene. From gigs info, to the different community, to gear talk, to market talk, to shop talk & bitching.

So do you actually want to change that??

I thinking that the web owner is doing a wonderful job. And whatever situation the forum is in currently, it reflects the actual scene. Yeah, if there is like 10times more kiddy talks than before. It means that there are 10 times more kids interested in local music than before. So is that good or what??

BTW james, I hate the word being substituted as 'loving'...... grrrr.... :x

Hahahaha..... :lol: :lol: :lol: Peace ya!! 8)
truth is ... there is no point moaning... soft.com.sg is still a great place~
come in and have a good time. if not... go elsewhere.

anyways.. having met james a couple of times, its pretty obvious he aint making bucketloads of money through this site. Hes a really really nice chap and this is a service he provides to people like US man ... like US!!! musicians..pros or not.
Id buy him a beer anyday.
mikemann said:
There can be only one head to control one body. If there are 2 or 3 or more heads trying to control one body, see how much can be achieved??

Hahahaha..... :lol: :lol: :lol: Peace ya!! 8)

while there's only one head head connected to one body lets not forget that with one body or evrybody, there's an anus involved as well... everybody has one....life mirroring art?