Why i no longer visit soft.com

pretty much agree with what Vio says, but it isn't so bad i have to leave soft permenantly. i think we have to learn to be more accepting to newbies (we were once newbies! soft wasn't around back then though), maybe a dedicated newbie/new-learners section in the forum would help? yes, a lot of thrash is seen on the net, dumb questions "is a strat better than les paul" arguments :roll: and "bolt-on necks better than set-necks" etc etc. everyone has to learn somewhere.

I think its up to James to decide if he needs another moderator or run it himself. i don't think this is like a PAP or some communist state-runned internet forum.

btw jony, don't be a prick.
My few points.

The average age group has gone younger (14 to 18 yrs old would be a good guage). I feel it is a very good thing as this is a good way to introduce them to local music, better gear knowledge etc.

However, I have to agree with having more moderators. IMO it's a good way to keep things tidier and merge threads that are redundant etc. Having a good moderation presence is probably a good way to deter people from anyhow shooting their mouths off.

But all things considered, I am grateful towards Mr Soft for giving local musicians this space to discuss on many topics. So for all those who have been here for quite awhile, maybe it's time to give something back to this forum. :smt001
I think silence is a much better answer nowadays. I think thats why people stop posting. People that rebuttle are just plain bored or just as attention seeking.

Repeated question ? Why entertain them ? Just keep silent. The thread will die.

Ignorant people flaming soft ? Again.. Why entertain them.. The topic will just stay on like a disease if you guys keep replying.

And all the "+1" post... are just meaningless.

I think some softies have this tendency to feel very self-righteous about things when posting... ESPECIALLY when it comes to tone... But the dumbest part is when the end of with "to each his own" Joke of the day.
Forums are forums.

No right no wrong.

Clash of ideas.

Very opiniated all the time(Justifiably so), as most posters start the thread with "what do you think...?

Nothing wrong with sharing information if you bother to.

If you think that posters are too immature and ask questions that irritate you, unless the questions are directly DIRECTED at you, just take a chill pill and move along.... :D

I always believe that there's nothing wrong asking questions, no matter how lame it is, because everyone has to start somewhere.

Don't be shy, the worst that can happen is somebody starting a thread like this to discuss how painful it is to read threads like yours.

But you have to admit lah, some of the posts are really insanely funny...its good fun to read after a hard day's work... :D
i thank Vio for raising such a topic. it is indeed a worthy discussion that i myself want to find out the answer.

1. i think age is not the reason for more noise. it is the general perception that noise is the style of communication here. not that it is right nor that i endose it. i have seen forums where the mean age is 30+ and the 'nonsense' postings can fill another Encarta. :smt039 people from 'that' forum.

2. i personally have met quite a number of SOFTies and they are superb! hmmm... maybe we should start the monthly gathering again?

3. actually everone is a moderator. i only take care of paying for the server and domain name. yes, every now and then i do delete/lock threads that are loving out of this world.

again, i like to take this opportunity to invite fellow SOFTies to come forward and lend their expertise/time/effort to make SOFT a better place for everyone.

* about the PAP part, we surpassed that, we are no government. go figure. :supz:
soft said:
1. i think age is not the reason for more noise. it is the general perception that noise is the style of communication here. not that it is right nor that i endose it. i have seen forums where the mean age is 30+ and the 'nonsense' postings can fill another Encarta. :smt039 people from 'that' forum.

Hmmm, what forum is that?
ha..ha.. dont tell you. wait a while and you will see this thread appearing in 'that' forum. :lol:
Whenever I need insights about gear, I tread upon that wonderful forum where everyone is nice and overly-caring in the dropping soap kinda way.

Most of my burning questions about gear and honest opinions about Life has been dissected,discussed using rational methods,transparent polls and answered almost immediately by the definitely more mature dudes and I must say that my experience there has taught me many things...and the biggest lesson is that all questions can be answered as long as it can cook rice.

Its local and its more mature there, i recommend anyone who thinks this forum as too childish to head over there. :D
forums...hmm.....free time......hmmm.......bored...hmmmmm...nothing better to do...hmmm....questions..hmmmm...in need...hmmm...help me...hmmmm......hmmmm.....
soft said:
ha..ha.. dont tell you. wait a while and you will see this thread appearing in 'that' forum. :lol:

Wow... must be a bitchin' forum eh. Loads of shit happening there? I heard from a reliable source that there's only one doode there over 30. Quite an unreliable guy who cannot build and repair guitar pedals on time.
uhh..u can actually cook rice with just a pot & water. ppl have been cooking rice since medieval times til now w/o rice cookers :lol:
I feel that the way the "old birds" answer questions around here will "scare" away the newbies. If I were a newbie, and just logged in, and posted "should I buy korg ax1500 or zoom G2.1u?", and some guy posts back with a snide remark, I would prob think that this is a pretty unfriendly forum, and go on to the other forums to ask. It's no big deal that some newbie comes in and asks some repeated question. People ask repeated questions in all the other music forums, and I rarely see anyone getting sacarstic remarks there.
That's how I feel, la. I think this is one of the main reasons why only the "old birds" are still hanging around.

if you dunno where "that" forum is. you have to look harder and yes, it is the universal truth as long as it can cook rice it is good. Having dicso LEDs is a plus too. :D
AgingYouth said:
there's only one doode there over 30..

you havent add me to the equation? ha..ha.. i will raise the average mah.

after looking through all the above post, the suggestion by Indigo_blues to have a newbie section is quite good. any seconder?