pretty much agree with what Vio says, but it isn't so bad i have to leave soft permenantly. i think we have to learn to be more accepting to newbies (we were once newbies! soft wasn't around back then though), maybe a dedicated newbie/new-learners section in the forum would help? yes, a lot of thrash is seen on the net, dumb questions "is a strat better than les paul" arguments :roll: and "bolt-on necks better than set-necks" etc etc. everyone has to learn somewhere.
I think its up to James to decide if he needs another moderator or run it himself. i don't think this is like a PAP or some communist state-runned internet forum.
btw jony, don't be a prick.
I think its up to James to decide if he needs another moderator or run it himself. i don't think this is like a PAP or some communist state-runned internet forum.
btw jony, don't be a prick.