Why i no longer visit soft.com

soft said:
2. i personally have met quite a number of SOFTies and they are superb! hmmm... maybe we should start the monthly gathering again?

YES! I'm missing the monthly gatherings. :lol:
I think in general, this thread is a positive one. Everyone wants to see soft being a better place; it's just how to go about doing it.

James, I have a suggestion, see if you can implement it:
Instead of having stickies, perhaps you could have a subforum (a vault). Volunteers can copy/move the good threads over so that next time a user wants to find something, he can go to the vault first.

However, I would also suggest the vault to be registered users only.
Well, as rottenramone mentioned, I dun think many newbies will look in the "newbies" section first. The repeated posts problem will still exist. Actually, it's more of a user problem, lah. There will always be ppl who didn't R.T.F.M. or didn't search before posting. The best we can do is to remind them and/or direct them to the right resources.

I think the "Vault" idea is a good one; does make things more organised, something like the stickies but in a child folder. Searches can be restricted to this sub-forum for speedier response, too.

I miss the monthly gatherings, too!

I would say the problems still persists, whether be it a sticky, vault, or database........they just won't search before posting queries. Seen it happen many times.

Even with a simple description of what each sub-section of the forum does, members still start nonsensical threads not pertaining to music in Kopi-Tiam area. If the owner had intended this forum to have only threads for music, then respect the rule. Stop asking why this and that, when you're not paying for the services.

I'll 2nd the idea of more moderators to keep things in check, those who don't like how things are carried out after that can leave. That'll sieve out the members we need or expendable ones that waste bandwidth.

oh yeah. This is a big factor. Owner puts a set of rules, he enforces it by shutting such threads down, people take to arms and complain its a some sort of tyranny going on.

Anyway, about the constant re posts, haven't we notced many of them are basically one off posters? Take this "Cheryl" for example. Or whoever else. Post asked-before-question, ppl answer, ask more, done. No more around no more contribution. Doesn't matter to me.

Is SOFT about numbers or real people?

I'm for this. Its no secret, you can't please everyone but there's gotta be someone in charge.

There's a community in SOFT already, people willing to help, offer advice, even let you come over to their crib to check out gear. If thats not "community" enough... well, move on to somewhere else.
I agree there will be still a lot of problems even after a vault.

Just to elaborate, I would think that the vault be - 1) hidden until at least 90% is complete, and 2) read only, but I would think readonly has its pros and cons (garbage comments vs really important questions).

I'm not sure if the vault will help. I'm willing to volunteer my bit if such an idea is implemented though.
whateva it is - try not to post religious topics on soft. u should bring it out of soft or get your own forum for that. thank you.
The Vault thingy has been brought up before, and I think it's good. But I do not know whether would it be tedious because (technology speaking) you may need to merge threads of similar contents, yet they belong to different starts/posts.

Not too sure whether this version of Nuke/PHPBB can do it at ease or not...
Vio said:
1. Unavoidably there will be nonsense postings and attention seekers and trouble brewers in all forums. However due to the younger mean age of forumers here, there tend be a lot less productive discussions than useful informative debates.

Nonsense posting are unavoidable, forums are free, everyoen are free to register, everyone are free to post what they want, THAT is why such thigns as MODERATORS exist.

If there's no nonsense in forums (which i think impossible), then, moderators are not needed.

Vio said:
3. There is only ONE moderator. IMO that's unhealthy because the whole forum is run by the perspective and beliefs of one single person. A group of moderators might give some form of democracy. IE: this place is very PAP without the opposition party.

Very true.

dhalif said:
im moving to mindef forums

Joke of the year, very sarcastic also. Hahahaha... seriously. THUMBS UP. Simple but killer.
12bar said:
I dare say the majority of users on this forum have not even served NS..

1) not every1 here r kiddies...if u cant find help here then sori to say go elsewhere.tis is a forum...

2) i'm no metal fanatic.. but hey,if they like SPEED and to them tts everytnik,then it's their choice. u r in no position to tell them wat to play

3) again..not all here r kiddos. most r well grown up. and finish reservist

4) tis is a music forum... ppl ask ard, share music knowledge. not english lesson where u have to spell correctly. its up to them to write it as STUFFS or STUFF. once again u r looking dwn on ppl...

cheers... dun take it too hard. tis is wat i felt abt ur post. its beta of helping 1 another than saying u r the only 1 correct
no offense and i have yet to serve ns(old enough to buy booze) but yes, i agree wholeheartedly with the threadstarter :lol: :lol:
hi. As a newbie who is old enuf to buy beer... and is turning 37 this year... i find this topic really interesting. I'm probably the oldest person in this forum...

If all this forum wants to be is an information source, then we should just direct everyone to harmony-central or a manufacturers website.

But this is a community... there are opinions and different experiences to express. I like Strats, others like Teles, others like PRS... each person has a valid reason to like whatever they like.

If there was one ultimate guitar and a set of ultimate pedals, then there won't be so many pedal manufacturers out there. To each, his own...

All we can do is to express our ideas and let the young 'uns work it out... and this will be their experience... which hopefully they will pass on to others...
I still visit this forum because it is still relevant for me. for those who whine about people asking the same qns, pls know that after all we are playing the same instrutment, we will go through the same stages and of cos the same qns will be asked. If u find it boring then don reply. Puttin sarcarstic replies like "go get a echozar" whenever someone ask for opinions for a delay pedal, jus
puts people off.

If u find this forum irrelevant then join another one or form one that is relevant to u. Do something about it rather than complain.
I would love to help be a moderator here.

There is only one slight problem...

I dunno Mr Soft as well as some of the regulars here. Why should i be given the moderator privilege as compared to someone else he is more familiar with?


Just a little suggestion here i got from another Singaporean forum that has very heavy traffic but unproportionately less "nonsense":

They have 2 moderators for every sub-forum. IE: Kopitiam would have 2 moderators, Gigs & Concerts would have 2 moderators etc. Each moderator can monitor up to 3 different subforums. They have a team of about 10 moderators in all.

Maybe something similar can be implemented here so that the extra load is taken off our soliditary moderator for ALL our subforums.

The additional benefit this has is that the forum becomes more personal, less distant and unfeeling. It also promotes a sense of identity; making soft.com "our forum" instead of "James' forum".

note: this is merely a suggestion.
Hi Vio,

You do have your point and I respect that. It is valid as a personal opinion. But would you consider the following perspectives with me in terms of a bigger picture?

We have to admit that Singapore has got some way to go in terms of growth in the music arena. Alot of rising musicians are youths. I am sure the population of our young ones aspiring to be a musician is far greater then seasoned experienced person like yourself (I would assume you are). This makes the situation worse when youths are more internet savvy compared to the aged/experienced musicians. This place is where they hang out. So we need to understand that this will be the culture of the forum. The old talented and young inexperience age ratio is wayward.

I do believe that there are potential in our youths. This is one good place to share and educate. If experienced musicians were to move out from here (not that this is the only place to share/learn), then these youths will be deprived of an avenue to grow.

You mentioned that there is a music forum with less "nonsense"? Then I am sure it comprises of older more experience folks? I may be wrong. But if I am right, then I really hope these 2 group can come together so that the young can learn. Internet was meant to be shared - more so music.

The frustration of some posts cannot be avoided. But I think we can really just ignore it if it gets on our nerve. The newbie section is a good idea, but in terms if usability wise, I seriously doubt it will work. Back to our frustration, it's really how we handle it on a individual standpoint. I don't think it's any good asking a newbie not to post and just go search the forum for answers. The least we can do is provide the link. A forum is where we find help and share ideas at all levels right?

Take Gibson forum as an example. Seasoned. The kind of experience they have there is leaps and bound compared to us. You go over now, you will find questions that are just as "newbie" as ours. But the difference is the reply. You get help.

As mentioned, your point is respected and there is no wrong in them. But I do hope you can contribute to a greater cause.