Who here don`t use effects at all?


New member
Jus curious to find out cos at the moment, I`m using just a distortion pedal n a booster pedal plus a little reverb from my amp n tats it. I used to have an array of effects like chorus, wah, delay etc..I find that using a lot of effects actually make things complicated..at least for me..who here dont feel the need for lot of effects? : P
I'm just using Boss's equalizer as a solo booster, other than that, it's just guitar straight to my 70W crate amp.
Its a Line 6 Uber Metal into the clean channel for me,plain in your face distortion... =)
Plan on gettin an eq to boost up the clean channel though.......
any form of pedal between the guitar and amp is an effect already. It doesnt matter whether its a clean boost or eq or gain pedal.

no effect doesnt mean just no modulation effect, eq, clean boost, overdrive, distortion, fuzz in pedal format, is an effect liao...

hehe, guitar to amp straight, with nothing in between, then is no effect. Gain from amp, is after guitar signal goes in amp circuit then get effected, wheras any effect pedal betweeen guitar and amp, is that the guitar signal get effected, before going to amp to be amplified..

haha, if it doesnt sound logical, just SAY SO, its really ok, above just imho
PatheinRaindropMoe: Ah u have a point there..maybe I should have rephrase the question as
"who don`t use colorful,weird, complicating effects n just prefer a clean/distorted tone?"

: P

I think tat makes sense now to everyone. :)
heh, if you wanna see an interesting trend, while listing down not using modulation effect, and just playing with clean/distorted tone, ask bout the style and genre of playing plus the role of guitar in the process of making music too.

You will see similarity somewhere in there, not all perhaps, but quite a bit...
Haha I've had my fair share with pedals already, so I'm running my guitar straight into my amp for distortion and reverb. The effects loop in my amp is really wasted for a user like me who doesn't utilize any effects! Sometimes, less is more! ;)
Sometimes, less is more! ;)


there are times i get frustrated with the lack of space on my floor, with the wires all over the place, and yet only the few pedals there, i stuff everything under my bed to just hear my guitar through the amp... ( must have been a bad hair day i think...)
and u somehow appreciate it more with the many choices and effects everywhere...
i feel effects are more fun when you're with your band than in your room.
haha sometimes less is more but more is still more. I guess it's nice to be able to have effects so you can play "that song" like how it's supposed to sound. but then again I realised quite a few of those who invest in many pedals are just bedroom rockers, haha. I think they treat purchasing pedals as a hobby more than anything. There's this video on harmonycentral on eric johnson and his gear, and he says he's stopped gear chasing, cos it distracts you from what's most important, which is making music. but then again if i had ej's tone i would stop chasing gear too. haha.
for me i own several pedals, modulations and all.

but when i go out to jam here's what i bring

-my randolfed to keeley specs bd-2

and that's it.

i feel using less effects really helps in becoming a better guitarist as you learn to use the volume knob, tone control knobs and pickup positions along with dynamics to really achieve the tone and feel of the song. I think using too many effects and modulation pedals sometimes gets you too caught up in tap dancing and you don't feel the music.

like tomorrow for church all i'm using is my bd-2 and wah.

helps that the bd-2 is so versatile :)

this is just my opinion, hardcore fx ppl with pedaltrain pros that make your guitar sound a lazer gun and aeroplane with a cat dying in the background please dont be offended :)
Jus curious to find out cos at the moment, I`m using just a distortion pedal n a booster pedal plus a little reverb from my amp n tats it. I used to have an array of effects like chorus, wah, delay etc..I find that using a lot of effects actually make things complicated..at least for me..who here dont feel the need for lot of effects? : P

i agree.some things are not required in the long run
my setup:
guitar>Yjm booster>MXr distortion>amp+reverb