Whats wrong with Agathis wood?>

Actually, I THINK I could... But probably would be wrong... whahahaha... Honestly, there's no good wood or bad wood lah... except healthy wood and rotten wood. (did you know that flame maple and quilted maple are actually diseased wood?) As long as the guitar delivers the tone I want, I couldn't care less what wood it uses... It could be plywood for all I care...:mrgreen:

+1! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: I've been awed by some LTDs with agathis bodies... and disappointed by some Ibanezs with mahogany bodies...
anyways for your info plywood can be heavy due to the multiple slabs of wood used to construct the body....LOL

usually people think plywood guits are crap cos the hardware and electronics on it are also crap(beginner level). Swap out the electronics, upgrade the hardware and change the pups and i think you'll have a pretty decent guitar.

but whether one would be willing to go through all that trouble for just that, i guess its another story :)
Actually, I THINK I could... But probably would be wrong... whahahaha... Honestly, there's no good wood or bad wood lah... except healthy wood and rotten wood. (did you know that flame maple and quilted maple are actually diseased wood?) As long as the guitar delivers the tone I want, I couldn't care less what wood it uses... It could be plywood for all I care...:mrgreen:

naaah.... flame and quilted maple are from the bottom part of the tree where the weight of the tree compresses the trunk and thus the pressure lines aka flames and quilts comes about.

spalted maple is rotten wood
birds eye maple is diseased wood(correct me if i'm wrong)
hmmm so if one day i change te pickups on my ltd m50 ,issit worth it??
As i promised myself not to buy another guitar,i dont know if its worth to make upgrades rather then buying new guitar...

Btw, if i really wanna chg pickup, wat pickup would u recommend??

I do know that cables and AMP takes the role more, So any recommendations???
When you reach the stage where you're gigging you'll realise that you'd need at least two guitars... One main, one back-up, in case your strings snap on-stage...
Umm basswood light?

Depends. I used to own a mij rg470 which gave me aching shoulders. (basswood)

My current guitar parker p42 mahogany body maple neck seems to be quite a bit lighter.
Agathis is light? My LTD is made of agathis and it is almost as heavy as a les paul! I'm not kidding. Go read online reviews of ltd viper-50 and you hear the similar complaints about it being heavy.
talking about wood... with all the effects on a pedal board, i bet some people can't tell and the diff between an acrylic/wooden/frame guitar when blindfolded. ha! :twisted:
talking about wood... with all the effects on a pedal board, i bet some people can't tell and the diff between an acrylic/wooden/frame guitar when blindfolded. ha! :twisted:



thats how :mrgreen:
i thought this thread was dead.

how sure are you anyways?
what if i were to give you a 3/5? piece mahogany guitar?
hm, the clean sound will give some indication, cause it is a really special crystal clear tone. But apart from that if you were to pass me a guitar as heavy as an acrylic one (i don't know if it exists) then I'd take off the blindfold! Haha:mrgreen: