What Does Our Local Scene Need To Prosper?

set a super high standard for urself. Get opinions from proffesional musicians out there on quality wise. Then work on composition. Record one solid CD that will send major labels to their knees begging u to join their crew.(hardly happens so send it to them and make them have no choice but to hire u). If still cannot, calculate the amt of money uve spent on recording,jamming etc. Go crazy and, join the MRT heroes. or u can still burn more money for the sake of the undying passion of music. whatever. Gd luck to all...shyam we need more videos like sebab saya shotgun. Send it to mtv or channel V or somethin man. hahaha
hahaha Anak shot gun!!!

On my side i feel that the durian isnt really helping much by placing so much constrictions in playing in the esplanade. Would not Deny that the Esplanade has an amazing amazing sound when one plays there or listens. Music is an art and a form of expression.There is a reason why ppl are called artist.However this expression of ours is refused.No vulgarites or political issues being discussed in songs and NO HEAVY METAL/ROCK.Rock and roll is just letting loose and watching ppl going crazy ... Kids that come for the gig do know how to take care of themselves. Yeah they get a lil bruised from the surfing and stuff ...but whoever said they did not have fun?!

They keep saying support local talent , support local talent ... but how are our heavy bands gonna get the support from the goverment when they are too "motherly". Its a fact, teens are the ones who turn up for our gigs.Its not like they are all working or freakin brats that have money to go to a gig every weekend.MORE Free gigs i feel should be done in order to lure them all.True said aswell that we do need to buck up on our singlish . And everyone has to start finding their own sound and not trying to be another whoever.

If organisers really feel that they need good acts to perform audition them . among 10 bands they should be atleast 2 that kick ass.,.

Not being a sarong party but look at schools like UWC , American international etc... they really do support talents from their schools by organising such shows.Can you imagine with all the schools we have in singapore , How many gigs we can probally do?But no one wants it all the time but at a certain time .. from school heros to national heros, who knows global heros maybe. back in the 60's local talent used to be really popular. this was because according to some uncles that i talk to like reggie vergis of the quest, was coz radio played more local songs! If ppl are bound to listen to more local songs instead "hips dont lie " or the backside boys ppl we will gain our support from there.Instead of hiding our local songs at the secret time slots , let it out ! why do they have to be paiseh.. create an awarness that singapura rockers kicks ass with our songs!

And if the durian is not gonna help us then maybe they should reconstruct it to look like a god damn grape!

When i was in Aust to check the sceane out .. it was crazy brothers!Big day out was massive... they have 3-4 magazines that i know off just covering the local sceane..informing of gigs and everything else . and bands dont have to know someone just to get in the magz..they have their scouts.so undiscovered bands get discovered. isnt it easier for us. we have a smaller community ... no is saying we should have 3 magazines .even one will do .. so that could buy it off the shelve and read. SOFT hands down ! you guys are doing a great job without hustling os of anything but our broadband time.. haha..And all those other radio local radio ppl like RAMPAGE and stuff.

as for now we need the help of the goverment to permit and support us in alot of things. I feel that the only thing we can do is turn up for gigs.and actually support whichever band by getting up and goin to the front of the stage regardless of the music instead of sitting down and acting cool .. I also agree.. sometimes when no one wants to go up , i will become a lil paiseh to go aswell la . haha but try laaa..and we band boys better buck up aswell coz overseas competition is tough.. this goes for myself aswell ah.We can do it brothers!!! chioooooong!!!

P.S-- i'm speakin more in the shadows of the metalist and hard rockers.. we need more love maaaan..

peace love , rock and roll!
Shyam Raj

we need more support from the local media here. that's the most important thing. singapore's music scene has no lack of musicians, bands & talents. unfortunately we lack the media support...from our own local media people! most of the time, they rather cover overseas musicians/bands/artists (even people like paris hilton who calls herself a singer!!) instead of helping to promote the local music scene here & beyond. in the past, there used to be x'ho & paul zach, strong advocators of local music. but with them in the background now, who's going to speak up for local musicians?

only when a band/musician is big will the media then turn their attention on you e.g. local chinese singers have to try & make it big in taiwan before they get recognition here. corrinne may made it big in the usa before the media focused on her & her music.

it's good we have forums e.g. soft & sites e.g. agingyouth & rampageontheairwaves. but more can achieved if the media supports the local music scene & help to promote it overseas.

I would agree with ShyamRaj that local bands need to find their own sound. Of course what with the influx of foreign music which has already influenced most if not all of us since the day we popped in that CD (or vinyl for the slightly older generation), it's hard for any player to break away from the sound that they grew up with.

I'm personally finding it hard to break away from the 'normal' sound of what is expected of modern bands, so much so that I really have to look beyond the 90s, 80s and dive back into the 70's when a raw sound was just so cool.

However, I know that sounding raw and trying to get away with it may not be the best way forward, but it sure is making my band sound so much different from others that I have heard thus far, and we're still working on polishing up our sound.

And the other thing about talent scouts... are there even any in the local scene? I'm just asking an honest-to-God question. I'm curious.
shyamraj, there's always Gashaus for heavy gigs. :wink:

another point, does metal gigs pull in the crowd as in packed like sardines in a small gig? If it is not pulling in the crowds, is there a point to make it big like in Esplanade?

even those free gigs at Esplanade, its always like a handful of people that attends if the band is NOT "famous".

I'd just say this to all bands and DGOs. Keep doing what you're doing and keep improving. Your time will come.

Talk does not cook rice. Marketing cook the most rice.
hey thanks rotten ramone.. well we have played at gas haus quite a few times . unfortunatly only one organiser really took her job with pride. this girl from play stop rewind. She did her marketing before the gig itself and she did what she could to make it happen. it may not have been the biggest gig but something was done unlike 30 something year old organisers who could not match up to half of what this 19 yr old did.

must slap them with a butter thosai!

Gas haus with no offence needs some improvement with the sound . Maybe Grind core and all are abit over la... but you know heavy stuff such as stuff like metallica/soundgarden kinda band are an issue with them even. I feel a chance should be given so that the awarness can be raised to the public of how sweet this could sound. Its even a waste that bands like mezavurs and melting snow cant play there. yeah they have that screams and stuff goign on , but they have really good melodies man.. no offense , better than some emo-screamo guys that play there.

and as for "managers" and "scouts" we came across some in singapore . But some of them talk alot only . I agree when you say that we should just keep doing what we are doing coz that seems to be one of the few things that we can do to help. It'll be nice if esplanade could share this great sounding place.Come On Mr Govt...you can be nice.. Makes us artist feel appreciated laaaaaaaaa, we are your children you know :( ....

peace love and rock and roll

Shyam Raj

the idea of govt support your teenage angst and heavy music will never come true. Not last time, not now, not furture.

they have no obligation to do so. They have more important things to do than wasting time, campaign, movement on teens angst to rock out. It doesnt make sense nor help in anyway to increase gdp each year.

Stop looking for people to support when in the first place, what have we done to raise the profile of things which we really believe in?

Have you? I havent either :lol:

if i see a big bank giving money to rich people instead of helping poor people like me. I shud be thinking of how i can help myself to get out of being poor instead of blasting the bank of giving money to the rich...


have you done a proposal or a band media kit? if so, have you sent it venues like esplanade?

Come On Mr Govt...you can be nice.. Makes us artist feel appreciated laaaaaaaaa, we are your children you know ....

Just a couple of things:

1. The media WANT to play local music. They really do. But unfortunately, there isn't very much of well-recorded local music to put on air/tv at the moment. This does not mean that the music is not good - it just means that the recording/production quality is not good enough for airplay. Same for videos. I mean seriously, a video has to be fit for broadcast on national tv or even a cable network before they're even gonna consider putting it on. And how many bands have that? So please don't take the easy way out and blame the media for 'not being supportive'. The onus is really on the bands. Seriously. Solution: Bands to save up lots and lots of money first before recording, mixing and mastering and then promoting their music properly. Saving money takes time and funnily enough, money, so bands need to understand that they need to give it time, save and invest their money and be patient.

2. As for bands having a local/unique sound, here's my take. A lot of us tend to immediately categorise a local band as 'sounding like a particular other (foreign) band'. We all have our opinions here. But in most cases, we tend to make the obvious comparisons and dismiss the band as trying to sound British/American /other without looking at the subtleties of their music that make them distinctly local. The subject matter of the lyrics, specific terms and jargons, the rojak of specific influences that we as a culture have been exposed to (afterall, we all listen to pretty much the same kind of stuff, even within the different genres) - this is all a product of our very young existence and our unique history. Had Radiohead been born in Singapore, they could possibly end up sounding like Ronin - who knows? So you might think local bands don't sound local but foreigners do. Go figure.

And the best for last:
3. Patience. Bands that make it anywhere in the world would have spent years and years honing their craft. Bands here are so damn impatient it's sickening. Form a band and six months later, you wanna play big gigs, earn big money and record an album? Get serious. Work on the music before you start thinking about anything else. And then practise until you can play the damn thing while juggling a monkey and skipping on a bed of rusty nails. Please.

All is not lost though!

There are some amazing young talents coming through right now. Pro: They are so technically gifted - that can only be a pro. Con: They are still young, so the music lacks the maturity that would make it stand out internationally. But in a few years' time, when the industry people have thawed and honed their marketing/promoting/distributing skills (thanks to bands like Electrico, etc.), and these young talents have matured, one can only expect good things. Perhaps a first Singaporean band to break the US/UK market? Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Oh and by the way, we don't need the government to push our music. The real people that make the difference as to whether Singapore music takes off or otherwise are, you guessed it, Singaporeans.

The only way the government can help is by making a law that states all Singaporeans must listen to, like, purchase and dance to Singaporean music. That one, can wait long, long.

Cae in point: Singapore Day in NYC. The govt paid Singaporean artistes to perform there. Paid for their flights, accommodation and everything. There were 6000 Singaporeans there, in Central Park. And yet the majority of the Singaporeans were mostly concerned about the food. The majority of those standing and dancing to the music - the Americans.

So strangely enough, as sick as some of you might be hearing about bands like Electrico and Ronin, their contribution to Singaporean music cannot be ignored. Electrico raised the awareness of the mainstream to Singaporean music with their brand of accessible pop-rock. Ronin opened the eyes of teenagers with their school tour. And these are the kids who will grow up to occupy influential positions in the media and have the capacity to push Singaporean music, and have money to buy Singaporean CDs.

Leave the government out of it. If you wanna help, start with your friends and family.
Using Economics to Improve the Local Music Industry

You got to have something regulatory (Eg: Introduce government policy on "must learn one instrument" or pay more taxes ) OR something (insert big event here) to increase the supply of Singaporeans in pursuing a musical path.

As more people enter the music industry, the talent pool of musically inclined players widen

As there are more musically inclined individuals, the likelihood of them forming a band together is higher

As more bands form, the quality of music improves

More competitions will be organised due to a greater demand from the general public in supporting local music (their family, friends and supporters)

A higher equilibrium of a higher quality of music is reached while the number of people pursuing a musical path (supply) increases and leads to an increase in the number of musical supporters (demand).

Conclusion, success in the music industry in Singapore.
Then again, you're forcing people to play music. It won't be the same from someone who really loves the instrument. But then again, the person who's forced to learn the instrument might begin to love it.

But then you have to think of the people that'd be unhappy being forced. I don't think its right.

Bah, I'm too high to think anymore.. NIGHT!
interesting idea it is

But like what bam said, being the rebel some people are, it will be more kvlt to be not learning anything and slack. Kinda like the rock and roll culture that target mainly the rebellious and young generation back then

By that time, i foresee more acapella group rocking out than instrument playing rock bands

bro fictionaire_gse bro

it'll be good to share your experiences in the NYC with us, but maybe in a separate entry :)
