hahaha Anak shot gun!!!
On my side i feel that the durian isnt really helping much by placing so much constrictions in playing in the esplanade. Would not Deny that the Esplanade has an amazing amazing sound when one plays there or listens. Music is an art and a form of expression.There is a reason why ppl are called artist.However this expression of ours is refused.No vulgarites or political issues being discussed in songs and NO HEAVY METAL/ROCK.Rock and roll is just letting loose and watching ppl going crazy ... Kids that come for the gig do know how to take care of themselves. Yeah they get a lil bruised from the surfing and stuff ...but whoever said they did not have fun?!
They keep saying support local talent , support local talent ... but how are our heavy bands gonna get the support from the goverment when they are too "motherly". Its a fact, teens are the ones who turn up for our gigs.Its not like they are all working or freakin brats that have money to go to a gig every weekend.MORE Free gigs i feel should be done in order to lure them all.True said aswell that we do need to buck up on our singlish . And everyone has to start finding their own sound and not trying to be another whoever.
If organisers really feel that they need good acts to perform audition them . among 10 bands they should be atleast 2 that kick ass.,.
Not being a sarong party but look at schools like UWC , American international etc... they really do support talents from their schools by organising such shows.Can you imagine with all the schools we have in singapore , How many gigs we can probally do?But no one wants it all the time but at a certain time .. from school heros to national heros, who knows global heros maybe. back in the 60's local talent used to be really popular. this was because according to some uncles that i talk to like reggie vergis of the quest, was coz radio played more local songs! If ppl are bound to listen to more local songs instead "hips dont lie " or the backside boys ppl we will gain our support from there.Instead of hiding our local songs at the secret time slots , let it out ! why do they have to be paiseh.. create an awarness that singapura rockers kicks ass with our songs!
And if the durian is not gonna help us then maybe they should reconstruct it to look like a god damn grape!
When i was in Aust to check the sceane out .. it was crazy brothers!Big day out was massive... they have 3-4 magazines that i know off just covering the local sceane..informing of gigs and everything else . and bands dont have to know someone just to get in the magz..they have their scouts.so undiscovered bands get discovered. isnt it easier for us. we have a smaller community ... no is saying we should have 3 magazines .even one will do .. so that could buy it off the shelve and read. SOFT hands down ! you guys are doing a great job without hustling os of anything but our broadband time.. haha..And all those other radio local radio ppl like RAMPAGE and stuff.
as for now we need the help of the goverment to permit and support us in alot of things. I feel that the only thing we can do is turn up for gigs.and actually support whichever band by getting up and goin to the front of the stage regardless of the music instead of sitting down and acting cool .. I also agree.. sometimes when no one wants to go up , i will become a lil paiseh to go aswell la . haha but try laaa..and we band boys better buck up aswell coz overseas competition is tough.. this goes for myself aswell ah.We can do it brothers!!! chioooooong!!!
P.S-- i'm speakin more in the shadows of the metalist and hard rockers.. we need more love maaaan..
peace love , rock and roll!
Shyam Raj