What Does Our Local Scene Need To Prosper?

a good magazine to expose us overseas. and well stereotypes like asian music being a carbon copy of western music should be erased i mean thinking about it in the west there's a whole lotta bands sounding like each other i do believe we have a unique flavour to our sound and lyrics wise. and but of course no mainstream competitions on tv please! it only serves to remind us that talents are flashes in the pan whereas they are extremely hardworking.well im sure time will come for us.cheers
Wah, this question repeat repeat repeat, yet I don't see anyone doing anything about the local scene

Seriously lah, wanna improve the local scene then just go out there and improve it lor

Or else be like me! BO CHAP!

Well, 1 person can do so much.. but if everyone chips in, there's so much a big group of people can do with the minimalist of efforts.

Not a lot of people seems to bother putting in the hard work. They just wanna be at the receiving end of the ... was it spoon or bowl?
Get a leader with good charisma who will sarcifice 20 years of his life to make it possible for the rest of the generations to come.

Then again, leaders are only 1% of the population. Good luck!!