Vicko got owned .....

allow me to explain human beings (especially those who like to talk)

when we are lacking we...

slam the government
slam the schools
slam the 'system' (???)
slam the values
slam the society
slam the culture
slam JAMES
slam one another
slam dunk (ok lame)

but when we are rich


we will never take responsibility for our own incompetence
Haha so true.

Man always finds it hard to give in to the fact that we make mistakes.

Like Jim Carrey says in ace ventura(2nd movie)
REPENT!! and thou shall be saved.....
* 2 Bows 4 claps 2 bows*

it somewhat some prayers in some japanese story to exorcie the demon.

im not referign to vick. im refering to the paotokia..