Vicko got owned .....

homos are creative, news at 11


The word "homo" sounds degratory to homosexuals individuals, in my opinion.

I once craked a joke and used that word in another foreign forum and got flamed by other posters even though I though the word was harmless. I then realised then the importance of watching what we say sometimes coz there will be a minority among the masses who might take offence.
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Ok lah, lumping the whole lot of us together abit unfair. Well, the jap creativity has recently run into abit of a dry spell, and honestly I think its because their educational system has taken a turn for the worse, its quite evident from the recent, consistent rise in the number of 'cram schools' that kids as young as 6 go to to 'cram' in as much info as possible, till around 11pm? That's insanity.

Creativity - It's nurture not nature. James has to keep the forum squeaky clean to protect himself, I don't blame him, given that certain erhem agencies might come knocking on your door in the middle of the night.
fgl, those people are retards, and what are you... the morality police? anybody who takes offense to the word homo is probably homophobic.
are we conveniently using the education system as an excuse for a lack of personal effort to take a stab at creativity?

it's the same as the Americans conveniently blaming Marilyn Manson for inciting violence.. when the whole population has already been exposed to violence before they attend a Manson gig or watch him on youtube.
Creativity - It's nurture not nature. James has to keep the forum squeaky clean to protect himself, I don't blame him, given that certain erhem agencies might come knocking on your door in the middle of the night.

First off, it's utter crap that homosexuality is caused by nature. There is a SMALL percentage that is like that but the majority are nurtured to become homosexuals. It's quite popular even to many.

All gays are non-conformists. Not all heteros are conformists.

Creativity cannot grow when an individual is not allowed to choose what they want and worse yet they actually practice self-restraint and are forced to conform.

This is a music site. Creativity should be encouraged as much as possible. Censorship should be subjected but only to a few issues that are crucial to the nation's well-being and to ensure that personal attacks are not carried out unless there is evidence to do so and even then it has to be tempered with sensibility.

Let the people choose.

Making music is very dependent on one's state of mind. When the mind is forced, either from within or without, creativity is challenged - the creative side gives way to more conformist thoughts and acts. After awhile, creativity would have been conditioned to lay low and thereafter it will slowly wittle away, keeping only a poor semblance of its original state.
can we please not use homosexuality or the whole nature vs nurture arguments anymore? I have never seen such discussions ending well anywhere on the internet. also popular opinion does not equal truth.

lets talk about whether the education system is inhibiting creativity, and how the youth of today are coping with their so-called "stressful" schoolwork and finding time to explore their creative side.
Want to study, study

Don't want study, don't study

We all know the consequences of either actions. No point blaming the government cos we have a choice. It's just like life, you can choose to live it, or don't. In the end, no one's gonna care what your decisions are, cos no one is affected by your choices. They made theirs.
lets talk about whether the education system is inhibiting creativity, and how the youth of today are coping with their so-called "stressful" schoolwork and finding time to explore their creative side.


Rote learning isn't all that is taught in schools today. I believe that there is ample opportunity for students to be creative. Too many are lazy. Face it. It takes more effort to be creative than it does to be or to do 'normal' stuff.

Even with a boring and very rote-learning subject such as Geography, I found it creative to go into my classroom an hour before exams to draw maps and note down lots of details on my desk. Copying can be done diligently and creatively. RoRK neber gotch caught b4.

Firstly, people choose to be creative or not to be. It takes effort to be creative. People are generally lazy.

Conformity within our type of society dampens creativity. We are always told not to do this or that etc etc etc etc etc. This dampens creativity. And like I said earlier, after awhile the creative side within all of us becomes conditioned into becoming trivial and/or something that shouldn't be dispensed with as a first-off option.

I urge everyone to do this simple experiment.

The next time you are in a conversation or even eavesdrop on a conversation if you must; pay attention to the number of times Singaporeans begin their sentences with the word "no".

Rork-actually i did notice tt! my friend literally begins every reply using the word no, even when he agrees.
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Rork-actually i did notice tt! my friend literally begins every sentence of his using the word no, even when he agrees.

I kNOw. :D

I noticed this many, many years ago. And it never fails to tickle me until today. I know one teacher, a HOD actually, and she does this often enough to even laugh at it once I pointed it out to her. And even after doing so, and within the same conversation, she goes on to commit the same 'mistake', many times over.

It's something in us Singaporeans. It's the no to this and that and this and that mentality that causes us to start our sentences with the word, "No". And like you said, even when there is agreement the sentence still starts with a "No".

It never fails to crack me up.
fgl, those people are retards, and what are you... the morality police? anybody who takes offense to the word homo is probably homophobic.

Me? Well, Im just a man who expresses his views on the use of such words.

I cant stop any one who uses them though as they see fit ... so to each their own.

I personally though, would not use them (intentionally anyway) and I cant respect anyone who does. Call me what U may, I sorry but I believe in being sensitive to the feelings of others.

The next time you are in a conversation or even eavesdrop on a conversation if you must; pay attention to the number of times Singaporeans begin their sentences with the word "no".


Eh, got meh? :/
Haha, so true.

If you're not this, then you're that.

There's no originality in the world anymore cos we all draw upon different perspectives and call it our own.

Cosmic irony to the max.
Misunderstanding lah!


eh, when i said nurture not nature, I MEANT about CREATIVITY, James has to come down on people exposing certain not so conformist creative views to protect himself, I don't blame him for that, given our social climate.
There's no originality in the world anymore cos we all draw upon different perspectives and call it our own.

Cosmic irony to the max.

Duh! You mean you want to create musical notes that have never been created before???? And from there, you want to create new music that has never been heard before?

Yah! This world is boring for you then. Sorry ah.