Here is my experience, it happened a long time ago, maybe 2 years, the exact numbers might be wrong, but the sequence of events are still clear.
I was hoping to sell pedal X at $180. This guy, Y, came along and offered $160. I was reluctant but took the offer coz pedal X was sitting around for quite a long while. This guy drove to meet me at my convenience, as agreed, at about 11pm. After inspecting the pedal, he counteroffered $150, saying that it was all he had. I was reluctant and we negotiated for a while, and I eventually gave in. I wasnt too happy with the price I sold the pedal for, but I was still glad that the pedal was sold for some cash after all.
At about 1-2am, in the evening, the buyer, Y, smsed and called me. He said that he did not like the sound of the pedal, saying that it was not his type. He requested for a refund. He offered to drive to my place during that very unearthly hour, to return the pedal X in exchange for his cash. Of coz, I was furious, and rejected his offer, arguing that I need not give him a refund as long as I had not sold him a lemon. I reasoned that he could sell the pedal away if he really did not like it. But after a few persistent calls from him, I eventually gave in, but we agreed to meet on another date instead.
Meanwhile, on SOFT, I managed to find another buyer,Z, who was willing to buy pedal X at $180. I managed to arranged with the new buyer, Z, such that I could meet Y, get back my pedal, and then go and meet the new buyer, Z, to deal, all in a single day. Unknowingly, Y had also posted a thread to sell pedal X at $160, which he was still in possession of. Just before the supposedly time when Y and myself were to meet, Y said that he managed to find a buyer for pedal X. And at about the same time, Z messaged me that he wished to cancel the deal.
So whatever happend between Y and Z, you could guess it for yourself. Now, if you were me, how would you feel?