The amazing guitar bargaining skills

A buyer asking for a discount at the last minute AND purposely bringing/showing less cash than what has been agreed upon is a disgusting opportunist cheapskate. I can still tolerate the last minute haggling(I usually answer "sorry, that's really my last price" anyway) since it happens in other kinds of business too but he should stop being pesky if i refuse him.

Fortunately, no one has done that to me yet. But I'm already bracing myself for this kind of deals as it seems that most of the proper and nice-to-deal-with senior members here are long gone and this has somehow become "no country for old men." hehe.
They probably have enough cash with them but just trying their luck to save some extra cash, happened to me once.
But they would oblige even if you reject the last minute haggle when you guys meet up (Not wasting the trip).
Don't want to make another flame war.
But that's easy to say.
If 10 dollars can save you eg.5 plates of chicken rice,
it can also save me the same.
So why should I give discount?
That agreement is crucial.
They probably have enough cash with them but just trying their luck to save some extra cash, happened to me once. But they would oblige even if you reject the last minute haggle when you guys meet up (Not wasting the trip).

Just to let you know, the whole "trying their luck" is the exact same reason why lowballers exist. It's the exact same attitude.

But this time it's worst because the buyer is making the seller spend time and money to come down to meet the person, and then put him in a situation where by he is forced to make a decision to lose 5-10bucks or waste a trip down to do the deal.

Honestly that's worst than lowballing. It's putting the buyer in a horrible horrible situation.
lol. i just brought my cash there and said so it's 120? then he just said 110. never actually asked for a discount. But i always just give a last minute discount. sold my pathfinder to one dude who wanted to buy it at 150 for 130. sold my digitech pedal for 110 instead of 120. give to the world and you'll get repaid in kind. don't know why you guys really find it that disgusting. i really couldn't be bothered. it's nothing that unreasonable like 50% off. or a trade of a gibson for an epiphone.
But why would you travel halfway over the island to sell something? (When I do not have a car / motorcycle)
I wouldn't make myself travel too far to sell something (etc a guitar), I would request the buyer to meet at my convenience and not trouble myself.
It would suck if I traveled 40mins with my item and the buyer request a discount at the last minute.
fine fine. haha. i shouldn't have said request a discount. too sensitive a word. i mean sellers here have always given their own discounts to me without request. and likewise, i've given it without request. it's like something that happened so often i thought it was a norm. all the stuff i've bought here i go to meet the dude there with money out and the dude just says it's okay gives me back some cash.
lol. i just brought my cash there and said so it's 120? then he just said 110. never actually asked for a discount. But i always just give a last minute discount. sold my pathfinder to one dude who wanted to buy it at 150 for 130. sold my digitech pedal for 110 instead of 120. give to the world and you'll get repaid in kind. don't know why you guys really find it that disgusting. i really couldn't be bothered. it's nothing that unreasonable like 50% off. or a trade of a gibson for an epiphone.

I'm sorry we're not all idiots who allow our kindness to be taken advantage of.
But why would you travel halfway over the island to sell something? (When I do not have a car / motorcycle)
I wouldn't make myself travel too far to sell something (etc a guitar), I would request the buyer to meet at my convenience and not trouble myself.
It would suck if I traveled 40mins with my item and the buyer request a discount at the last minute.

It doesn't matter. It still takes time to walk to your nearest mrt or just walk outside your house to do the deal. It's also the feeling of disappointment, when you think that you're finally getting to sell your item for $xxx and then realise that you might have to sell it for 10bucks less because the buyer claims he does not have enough money.

If you meet a buyer like me, who only sells strictly at my given price, I'll walk away, angry that this guy got my hopes up for nothing. I get pissed off with people who negotiate before the deal when I already stated my price is firm, what's worst is people who negotiate with me when we have already agreed on the fixed price. To those guys who don't think it's disgusting, negotiating last minute is breaking a verbal contract. Before the deal happened both parties agreed that the item will be sold at a certain price. It's morally wrong to begin with, you're downgrading yourself as a cheapskate, and show's that you can't be trusted with promises.

It really boils down to how desperate the buyer or seller is. If the seller hasn't had a sale in many months and finally this guy appears and a deal seems done. The buyer can negotiate on the spot and it really puts the seller in a tight situation, if he's super desperate most likely he'll give in, but imo the buyer's still being an opportunistic dick. So that's where the whole "trying my luck" come's in. Terrible piece of Singaporean culture.
lol. i just brought my cash there and said so it's 120? then he just said 110. never actually asked for a discount. But i always just give a last minute discount. sold my pathfinder to one dude who wanted to buy it at 150 for 130. sold my digitech pedal for 110 instead of 120. give to the world and you'll get repaid in kind. don't know why you guys really find it that disgusting. i really couldn't be bothered. it's nothing that unreasonable like 50% off. or a trade of a gibson for an epiphone.

Well, it depends on whether you're agreeable with it. Sometimes, I give last minute discounts to pleasant buyers. Other times, I don't because either 1) buyer wasn't the greatest or 2) I've already given the lowest price acceptable
Got to depend on my mood on that day, but if you have traveled halfway around the island and the buyer requests a $5 discount (Price : 200) would you give in ? I would, travelling that distance with the item (Guitar / Amp / Huge or Bulky) isn't a great thing. You wouldn't want to bring it back home too, but the the first impression of the buyer and the the seller (My) mood greatly affects whether I would give discount to him.
I'm still scratching my head over here. I don't get why there are so many factors to reason that bargaining upon meeting the seller is alright.

The fact remains as this: An agreement has already taken place before meeting up, so HONOUR IT!

If you really want a discount, lowball or negotiate the guy before meeting him up. I am very very sure, MANY sellers will agree with me they rather deal with lowballers than people who bug for discounts upon meeting up.