SOFT. Gathering..(sign up here)

yeojjsg said:
how many chicken wings and drumsticks each are entitled?
dont so strict lah.. just eat lor.. but one must be considerate.. dont makan all the chicken den moomoo nth to eat :lol:
lilrampage said:
haha. that would be really weird as well. i'd have to ask ppl to turn around to know their name. :lol:

print ur name front and back lah..

im sure the food will be enough.. :) jus dun eat too much.. out of 1 partiucalr things.. must rmb others :) they also pay must have thier share too :D
seekz , for $8, we will be having more BBQ food than a Mac set meal. How much do you usually pay for a BBQ outing? and how much do you usually pay for a 1 day 1 night chalet? your input will definitely help me to plan better.

HeartRockSingapore , adult + car + making own food!!! ha..ha.. you see we have 30++ people signed up right? So far I only managed to collect money from 10. Haa..haa... well, i am an adult, i drive and i can make the food. :cry:
for those who are coming but not paid yet, please contact me NOW for information on how to do so. I need to collect the money to pay for the food. :smt045

Venue : BBQ at East Coast Park
Date : 25 June 2005
Time : BBQ starts at 7pm, come earlier to hang out
Price : $8 (pay by 23 June 2005)

How to pay? Send me an email and I will give you my bank account so that you can do a transfer via ATM or Online Banking.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more information. Email .
damn. something cropped up. im gonna have to miss it.

1. shred5
2. dric
3. soft
4. duskalways
5. duskalways' colleague
6. BlackMoo
7. satch
8. WiZaRd
9. pooo
10. fored
11. SeekZ
12. jeremyrozario
13. spikes
14. khai_stereotype
15. Grain
16. parasite_eve
17. zone
18. One
19. dhalif
20. Vaiyen
21. wangdexian
22. Mr_X
23. serialninja
24. siva
26. gordonzz
27. fluzzeee flu
28. blackductape
29. ronin
30. Parablue74
31. Ruder
33. Colarndo
34. DoubleBlade
35. HeartRockSingapore
pass it by mail??or call softies who are free to go somewhere etc orchard area to give you cash? or pop by your work place if they have time?