SOFT. Gathering..(sign up here)

ya spikes is cool. 1 sweet for you.

ok, for those who can't do ATM/Online transfer, PLEASE contact me! I will arrange with you. But I need it before this Wed to pay for the food.
1. shred5
2. dric
3. soft
4. duskalways
5. duskalways' colleague
6. BlackMoo
7. satch
8. WiZaRd
9. pooo
10. fored
11. SeekZ
12. jeremyrozario
13. spikes
14. khai_stereotype
15. Grain
16. parasite_eve
17. zone
18. One
19. dhalif
20. Vaiyen
21. wangdexian
22. Mr_X
23. serialninja
24. siva
26. gordonzz
27. fluzzeee flu
28. blackductape
29. ronin
30. Parablue74
31. Ruder
33. Colarndo
34. DoubleBlade
35. HeartRockSingapore
36. Newbie


Sorry im late -winks winks-
fluzzeee 17 paid. 10 paying on Sat. :lol:

blahblah, quick sign up!


those signed up in the list above and not replied to my email/pm, please do so. :cry:
So far the people that wanted to meet up and go together.
5pm meet-up at the Pick-Up location opposite Bedok Mrt
(turn left when coming out). I'm aiming for the 5.30pm Shuttle Bus.
Will be taking the Shuttle Bus service to Costa Sands Resort and walking from there.


Already sent PM to those who are meeting me 1st. So far, got wangdexian, dric,spikes and newbie's contact numbers. Know that BlackMoo's out of the country but the rest...
1 more day n it's party time....... :wink:

hope all of u will have a enjoyable time, man.......

:partyman: :drinkers:

BBQ at East Coast on the 25th June 2005 (Sat)
Food starts at 7pm, James(98634893) will be there by 5pm
Yes it's tomorrow. But sad I still got to jaggah my studio. I see if after jaggah if not tired can just pop by to say hi.

Hope all the softies have a wonderful time together. So, james you staying overnight??
mikemann, overnight? hmmm.... see i still can tahan the east coast wind or not lah. if you pop by, i sure wait for you.