SOFT. Gathering..(sign up here)


Not kan chiong lar ,, but must give the ppl right information mah ... Hope u ppl understand my option . But i will say hard work for the organiser. keeP IT up! 8O
BBQ at East Coast on the 25th June 2005. Will start from afternoon till night. Over night is optional. Add your name to the list to confirm.

1. shred5
2. dric
3. soft
4. duskalways
5. duskalways' colleague
6. BlackMoo
7. satch
8. WiZaRd
9. pooo
10. fored
11. SeekZ
12. jeremyrozario
13. spikes
14. khai_stereotype
15. Grain
16. parasite_eve
17. zone
18. One
19. dhalif
20. Vaiyen
21. wangdexian
22. Mr_X
23. serialninja
24. siva
26. gordonzz
27. fluzzeee flu
28. blackductape
29. ronin
30. Parablue74
31. Ruder
33. Colarndo
hello to the 33 SOFTies in the confirm list above, i have just sent an email to you with details of the location and cost. please reply to the email soonest.


are you interested to come for the BBQ? I am getting a caterer to provide the food. It will be all Halal. Cost is $8 per person.
Hey james, u asked me to put my soft userid beside the bank transfer. erm, how do i do that, i thot i just withdraw cash from my accnt, then cash in the cash deposit machine or something? erm, sorry, never done anything like this b4.
wangdexian, yes. i got your PM. See you at the Rock On Singapore.

dric, add me to your MSN Messenger.

all the others in the confirmed list got my email/PM? please response.
Anyone want to meet up? Like at the MRT station or something?
I'm not sure how to go except for the 1/2 hourly shuttle to Costa Sands.
Ok, I will go and check how to go but not sure what time you're want to go East Coast Park?
When it's dinner time or earlier in the afternoon?
Ok those who wanna meet up and go together put your names down.
just wondering.. i cant confirm cause i may have some sch camp stuffs...

is it ok if i just turn up like this? i will pay 8 bucks or something. mm? or u guys got plannings... sry abt tt...
maybe those who dont know how to get to East Coast Park can contact Colarndo via PM or email?

Newbie, when can you confirm? coz i need to arrange for food.

BBQ officially starts at 7.00pm , we can meet about 3 or 4 pm to play soccer/cycle/blade/play music.

If Image too small, than go to the link below, find the ECP Outlet and click to open the Shuttle Service Schedule

The Pit is directly opposite The Resort if you read James's email.
eh i dunno sia... cause my cca will send me an email... mmmm...

havent send yet leh.. dunno if that day will clash with my camp or not.

when u ordering?
1. shred5
2. dric
3. soft
4. duskalways
5. duskalways' colleague
6. BlackMoo
7. satch
8. WiZaRd
9. pooo
10. fored
11. SeekZ
12. jeremyrozario
13. spikes
14. khai_stereotype
15. Grain
16. parasite_eve
17. zone
18. One
19. dhalif
20. Vaiyen
21. wangdexian
22. Mr_X
23. serialninja
24. siva
26. gordonzz
27. fluzzeee flu
28. blackductape
29. ronin
30. Parablue74
31. Ruder
33. Colarndo
34. DoubleBlade

I hope this isn't too late....