SOFT. Gathering..(sign up here)

BBQ at East Coast on the 25th June 2005. Will start from afternoon till night. Over night is optional. Add your name to the list to confirm.

1. shred5
2. dric
3. soft
4. duskalways
5. duskalways' colleague (we will be late as working nite, sorry)
6. BlackMoo
7. satch
8. WiZaRd
9. pooo
10. fored
11. SeekZ
12. jeremyrozario
13. spikes
14. khai_stereotype
15. Grain
16. parasite_eve
17. zone
18. One
19. dhalif
20. Vaiyen
21. wangdexian
22. Mr_X
23. serialninja
24. siva
oh noes i'll be at a mudvayne concert in Sydney when the meet is happening.

Ah well next time I guess :(

have fun everyone and err rock on for me
1. shred5
2. dric
3. soft
4. duskalways
5. duskalways' colleague (we will be late as working nite, sorry)
6. BlackMoo
7. satch
8. WiZaRd
9. pooo
10. fored
11. SeekZ
12. jeremyrozario
13. spikes
14. khai_stereotype
15. Grain
16. parasite_eve
17. zone
18. One
19. dhalif
20. Vaiyen
21. wangdexian
22. Mr_X
23. serialninja
24. siva
26. gordonzz
27. fluzzeee flu
BBQ at East Coast on the 25th June 2005. Will start from afternoon till night. Over night is optional. Add your name to the list to confirm.

1. shred5
2. dric
3. soft
4. duskalways
5. duskalways' colleague (we will be late as working nite, sorry)
6. BlackMoo
7. satch
8. WiZaRd
9. pooo
10. fored
11. SeekZ
12. jeremyrozario
13. spikes
14. khai_stereotype
15. Grain
16. parasite_eve
17. zone
18. One
19. dhalif
20. Vaiyen
21. wangdexian
22. Mr_X
23. serialninja
24. siva
26. gordonzz
27. fluzzeee flu
28. blackductape (i'll probably be buzy with last minute hw, but i'll try my best to come. :D )
OK guys.. I'm really excited abt this event.. I'm trying to ask this froup that I know to help us liven the event even more..

This group is newly formed, plays percussion only and its not Wicked Aura.. hahahaha..

Hope that U guys can join in the fun.. And trust me, this group plays something different.. A very different concept. Only those living in Aussie might have heard this music concept that this group is playing..

Hope that the organizers are ok with this suggestion. If U guys give the green light, I'm gonna contact them and see how I can work out a deal ok..
hi shred5

i think this gathering is more of a gathering. for fellow SOFTies to have a chance to mingle in real life with one another.
hi just wondering... what will u guys be doing there? chalet issit? u guys bringing gears or something? lol sounds very fun eh
You can stay over night in the park. Well, that's what I remembed from the last time I went on a BBQ at East Coast.

People usually just bunch together to chit chat. Some like to sit at the beach/sand to watch the sun rise.

There is no room/bed ok.
1. shred5
2. dric
3. soft
4. duskalways
5. duskalways' colleague (we will be late as working nite, sorry)
6. BlackMoo
7. satch
8. WiZaRd
9. pooo
10. fored
11. SeekZ
12. jeremyrozario
13. spikes
14. khai_stereotype
15. Grain
16. parasite_eve
17. zone
18. One
19. dhalif
20. Vaiyen
21. wangdexian
22. Mr_X
23. serialninja
24. siva
26. gordonzz
27. fluzzeee flu
28. blackductape (i'll probably be buzy with last minute hw, but i'll try my best to come. Very Happy )
29. ronin (if blackductape goes, then everyone should help him do his homework!)
soft said:
You can stay over night in the park. Well, that's what I remembed from the last time I went on a BBQ at East Coast.

People usually just bunch together to chit chat. Some like to sit at the beach/sand to watch the sun rise.

There is no room/bed ok.

but there is smoke and booze, and thats enuff 8)
"smoke and booze" - any time, any where

"30 SOFTies and BBQ" - 25th June, East Coast Park


less than 20 days! wooohoooo!!