
well there are also people who won contracts worth 4565498984 millions because they dont smoke.
With the present inflaton, i wont be surprise if cigarettes are the next to soar in prices
there is nothing much you can do to stop them from smoking.not even the most powerful or richest man on earth can do a thing.

live with it or guide our dearest away from misery.there are some things you can never change.
well, the very least they should do is not smoke in the designated non-smoking areas. i don't smoke (like one stick per two-three months) and i get pretty pissed when i'm like eating or whatever, minding my own business, sitting in the non-smoking area, and this prick sits there and smoke, breathing out all the smoke which might come to me.
I agree! I'd seen many people smoking in areas that prohibit smoking. It irritates the hell out of me. And often, I'll point out the "no smoking" sign to them.
yeah real infuriating, those old jerkoffs who think everyone owes them something. :mrgreen:

of course i've got nothing against my elders (esp those on Soft), but this i can't take. the bloody signs are up on walls and tables alike, no way they can miss it.
quoteD BY empihsrow;
Because they're endangering our lives too when they smoke in front of us or in the public. I find it very inconsiderate.


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quoted by jeepers;
yeah real infuriating, those old jerkoffs who think everyone owes them something. :mrgreen:

of course i've got nothing against my elders (esp those on Soft), but this i can't take. the bloody signs are up on walls and tables alike, no way they can miss it.

Try to get MOE Ministry of enviroment hotline to paotoh on these smokers .. the MOE undercover oficers will be quite fast to respond ... $$$$ & fines involved to hurt the perpetrators most - in their wallets!
As a non-smoker, do I detest cigarattes? Yes. But do I detest smokers? No. 80% of my friends are smokers. I will hang out with smokers during their cigaratte breaks. I just stand a polite distant away.

I do have this theory that if all the smokers in the world stops smoking, the carbon dioxide saturation in the air will significantly drop. Someone should research on how much carbon dioxide (and only that alone) each cigarette produce and multiply that by estimated number of smokers. :mrgreen:

Here's something interesting, in line with the topic:
quoted by jeepers; FGL: WOOO reward. I'm soooo doing it. :twisted:

From what I've learn and study from friends, during my free time and during school, other than playing with music, that,

Heavy smoker, most likely to harm their health like no tomorrow. Hence hurting their body, faster than a passive and/or light smoker.

While Passive smoker, will be hurt their body faster than a light smoker because what they are breathing in from second hand smoke, are bound to be very deadly, because those smoke are harmful released smoke/gas. And their body can't really adapt.

While Light smoker won't be hurting their body that much, because the body have that adaption, hence is like something like doing it before. Got license liao.

Hope it makes sense. Do correct me if I'm wrong. And oh, no offence! :mrgreen:
Just chanced upon an article about Amy Winehouse exhibiting symptoms of an ailment typically suffered by smokers thrice her age - emphysema. Some sort of lung damage.

And gosh, she doesn't look 24 if you ask me. More like 44.

So, it's true smokers age much, much faster?


Yes, true. Skin aging accelerates. Among many other everyday things like decrease sensitivity to taste etc.

Smoking cost about 75 billiion USD in healthcare cost worldwide. In terms of lost of work and productivity due to health problems related to smoking etc, it's about 92 billion USD lost.
Amy winehouse?

It takes much more than smoking to make you look like amy winehouse. She is shooting so much drugs that one wonders y she hasn't died from overdose yet.

Definitely falls into the list of thing that will survive nuclear fallouts together with keith richards, boss pedals and roaches.
^ ah plastic, that too.
wondrous things, those white rectangular boxes, lets you leave mushroom cloud land virtually unscathed.

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