
donwant waste money buy gulong lor. stompking, butterfly. well actually same la. pfft.

actually people choose to continue smoking is because the harmful effects are rather long term. while we dont experience the harmful effect, we continue lor. ignorant, no? i agree. wakakaka
how does that change my point?

humans, great apes such as chimpanzees and dolphins have the intelligence to make conscious decisions. as such, pleasure becomes a primary motivation in making those decisions.

lesser intelligent beings don't need pleasure to drive them to do it, they do it out of sheer instinct.

I just wanted to share a piece of trivial information, there was no point to it, if you bothered to read my post you'll see I never disagreed with you.
Relax, no need to overreact.

All addictions, no matter how deep-seated, can be overcome by the power of the mind. All addictions are in essence, mental crutches.
Thus, if an junkie(cigs, weed, porn, whatever) could have the perseverance and determination to break through the mental barrier,he will definitely see the end of his addiction

Let me quote you.
"I don't believe in addictions." - Vaiyen
Wow, how long did it take for you to stop believing?

You are wrong to think of addiction as an "illness", as an unfortunate and chance affliction that requires the administration of an "antidote".

Uhhh oookay.
Point out to me where I have showed that I thought addiction was an "unfortunate and chance affliction". It's pretty evident to become addicted to something you'd have to make a decision to start on it and it's not like you're not at church one day and suddenly think "Damn, I totally need a shot of heroin right now."

All addictions, no matter how deep-seated, can be overcome by the power of the mind. All addictions are in essence, mental crutches.
How do you think they wean hardcore addicts off their substances?
By forcing cold-turkey on them i.e. depriving them of the substance in question.
Thus, if an junkie(cigs, weed, porn, whatever) could have the perseverance and determination to break through the mental barrier, he will definitely see the end of his addiction.

You make no point whatsoever in relation to what I said, nowhere have I said addictions cannot be gotten rid of by mental means, or psychological, please... read.
But you mentioned something wrong again, so I'll point it out to you. To say everything is purely mental....I'm sorry that's just crap, you're arguing with facts once again. Did you know that hardcore users of certain drugs can die if their deprived of that drug(this is a fact too)? You can become physically dependent on drugs, which by the way, means that your PHYSICAL BODY requires it to function, this does not mean it's purely physical, it's definitely a mixture of both physical and psychological. Once again, this is not my opinion, it's a FACT. (refer to

What are you saying. Really.
Your arguments are based on your flawed understanding of certain words and terms in the english language, and your flawed belief system which you probably found in one of those "mind over matter" best sellers you got from Borders with some cheesy man on the front smiling with his really white teeth.
When you get the next one promise me you'll get a dictionary?
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smoking is great, its like slow suicide for those who dont dare to take the plunge, and when they finally realise they would rather live, lung cancer comes along, haha, great, seriously, great, i use far too many commas

aiyah those who smoke have their various reasons as to why they smoke and we can't really blame them la can we? though i wouldnt advocate it >< visa you should advocate a quit smoking campaign or something =p
we all have the right to make our own personal choices and decisions, but at the same time, we should not infringe on other people's rights either.

a smoker has the right to smoke, a non-smoker has the right to clean air.

we also all have the rights to our own opinions, but we don't have the right to force them down other people's throats.

as such, i don't really see the point of continuing a supposedly serious discussion that isn't going to make either side change their mind.

the cards are on the table, make your own personal decisions!
for me, i smoke, but cut down already, and seriously cut down,

1 month= 1 or 2 sticks only, and only smoke half of it.
and the cigarette must be Next Menthol Chill because thats the only real menthol taste i know.
i switch to gulung with the hope that i cut down. coz i walk always i smoke then i thought with gulung, i cannot walk while rolling. now i can, so makes no difference.
yeah stompking. haha. but i suck at rolling. very loose. some do until so tight so shiok. yeah no filter. no need also, no that strong. yeah sweet paper. one softie i know always ask me for the paper to lick. huhu.
yeah stompking. haha. but i suck at rolling. very loose. some do until so tight so shiok. yeah no filter. no need also, no that strong. yeah sweet paper. one softie i know always ask me for the paper to lick. huhu.

really meh? That time I had the drum one, me and fren shared. So damn strong la. We haven't finish the bag throw already. Cos really cannot take it is too strong.Eh nobody like frost ah

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