
Don't forget all that flash photography ! Damn media, leave her alone!

On topic, I don't really regret picking up smoking, yet in a way I regret as well, complicated shit. :confused:
I remember my GP teacher talking about the futility of addiction... until we quizzed her on her caffeine habit.

different strokes for different folks. we all like to have a little something to focus our attention on to keep us going.
we smoke because we want to show the government that we can afford it!!!

......well not really.. :( please stop increasing the prices.

*pleads when you are high*
i think i have some suggestions for more useless kopi-tiam threads:

why do people smoke? (current topic)
why do people drink alcohol?
why do people watch pornography?
why do old men go to batam?
why do people gamble?
why do people land in credit debt?
why do people cheat on their spouse?
why do people mosh?
why do people use vulgarities?
I don't believe in addiction, of any kind.
Over-reliance on something that is outside of Life essentials doesn't make sense to me.
pleasure is very strong motivation.

food with fat in it tastes good to us because it has high energy content, which was essential to hunters and gatherers who couldn't get much food. it's nature's way of rewarding them.

sex is pleasurable because it's nature's way of rewarding procreation. if it didn't feel good, who would do it?

gambling is pleasurable because you get the chance to gain something without having to work for it. sure, you might lose all you have, but that doesn't register in the face of immediate results.

this is why miracle diet pills and exercise machines don't go out of business.

at the end of the day, we are all hedonists who live for pleasure. we might suffer in the long run, but then and again, we might not wake up tomorrow either.

whether we play it safe, go crazy, or find our personal balance in between, it depends on a mix of biological and environmental factors. some of us are wired to seek pleasure more than others. some of us are brought up to deny ourselves pleasure more than others.

that's all there really is to it.
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sex is pleasurable because it's nature's way of rewarding procreation. if it didn't feel good, who would do it?

Actually only humans and dolphins get pleasure from sex.

I don't believe in addiction, of any kind.
Over-reliance on something that is outside of Life essentials doesn't make sense to me.
That doesn't make any sense.
It's not a choice to "believe" in addiction.
It's a fact.
You can physically get addicted to nicotine... and a whole slew of other drugs. It's not my opinion, it's medically proven.

As for smoking.
1.Nothing morally wrong with it.
2.Makes you die faster.
3.Makes you relaxed.
How did a subject as mundane as smoking become so cheem and deeeep? :p

I remember vividly the first time I had the misfortune of kissing a heavy smoker's lips.

Saying it was gross will be a severe understatement.
We have a little Smoke Monster living in our brain. Bad little bugger, but sometimes you get so lonely you end up making friends with the monster. Kinda like how it's awesome to be with the mafia till you end up with their friday night russian roulette sessions.

couldn't have put it better myself.

it sounds weird/nonsensical but true.

when the nights are long and lonely and you've nothing but your thoughts, a cigarette (and a hot cup of coffee) does help brighten the darkness. :P
How about contraband ciggs? are they more harmful or just that they arent taxed? and how much harmful are they? cant really taste the diff :???:
Actually only humans and dolphins get pleasure from sex.

how does that change my point?

humans, great apes such as chimpanzees and dolphins have the intelligence to make conscious decisions. as such, pleasure becomes a primary motivation in making those decisions.

lesser intelligent beings don't need pleasure to drive them to do it, they do it out of sheer instinct.
That doesn't make any sense.
It's not a choice to "believe" in addiction.
It's a fact.
You can physically get addicted to nicotine... and a whole slew of other drugs. It's not my opinion, it's medically proven.

All addictions, no matter how deep-seated, can be overcome by the power of the mind. All addictions are in essence, mental crutches.
You are wrong to think of addiction as an "illness", as an unfortunate and chance affliction that requires the administration of an "antidote".
How do you think they wean hardcore addicts off their substances?
By forcing cold-turkey on them i.e. depriving them of the substance in question.

Thus, if an junkie(cigs, weed, porn, whatever) could have the perseverance and determination to break through the mental barrier, he will definitely see the end of his addiction.
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