hmm, this was what i remembered...
firstly, during the live show itself, when the host asked how he arranged a classical piece to such a rock version, i rmb sly said "Actually, this was not originally by me, but i arranged it". What i think he meant was, he arranged the version he played live himself, not, he arranged Jerry C's version. you know the way he likes to mumble when he speaks.......
btw, i'm not really a big fan of sly.....
his dressing was probably inspired by this...
and, i dunt really like his expression the part when he plays the guitar on his back, and he does that annoying wink at the camera....
but then again,
give him a break man, cut him some slack.... i cant say he is the best guitarist i've seen, but giv him some credit man. i dunt think its easy when you have the whole singapore watchin tv looking at him play such a piece, and he does it for charity....
before this performance, we all have super long threads about him cant play guitar, pose only, fake poser and stuff like that...... but to be brutally honest, he shut us up with that performance. now, nobody cant say he cant play guitar for sh!t.......
instead now, we complain how sloppy he is, miss how many notes, he did not play the complete sweep and made it easier and blahblach..... cummon guys... u guys just plainly dunt like him rite...?