Slyvester sim, my guitar hero.

cos singaporeans are bed-room jammers, on backing track and shred all day long...then when they see some half ah beng cum rocker they jealous mah so must put him down and rub their own egos..
Hes better than most sg guitarists ive seen man, i dunnoe why u guys have to put him down. jealous?

i dont even like him, but i wouldnt say he 'suck'
sly is the man....all u guys who talked bad stuff bout him are all jealous bastards...

*6 A1s O levels* slogging
Let us just think bout it: He's on TV, making some bucks doin some gigs...well, u jus stay at home and wank your guitars and talk big... :p
Relax la dudes, just a matter of opinion.

I think Sly is a mature dude who takes everything in an online forum with a pinch of salt. No point blowing things up and making mountains out of molehills.

Sly, i wish you all the best in your future endeavours. :D
guys, chill on it lah.. seriously, he might be good he might suck so what.. at least hes out there doing something right..

Instead of talking about other peoples inadequecy, practise more then go out and show your stuff if you wanna make a point..

hes singaporean, and hes trying to live his dream.. that in itself is respectable and he shouldnt be put down for that..