Singapore Idols 2006 Season 2

i somehow feel sg idol has just become a marketing tool for mediacorp sucking teenagers' and fan girls money of.

it is now all boiled down to the face and not the voice.
joakim , somehow is still in it, though i believe he should be long gone.
joakim using borrowed time, learn from lord of avernus :lol: (dota talk haha).

yah i tink its very messy nw. bt i tink at the final stages will be ok. gona be hadi, matilda, jonathan. putting my money on them to be top 3.

anyway kinda glad rahimahs out. she abit yaya papaya ah. nxt gona be twohill, bt id rather see joakim go :twisted:

Somehow I think those sg idol voters are tone deaf. They don't know whether how to differenciate between a monkey and a singer. Somehow I felt that today I have an appointment for plastic surgery at 3 pm and next sg idol, I should mumble my way to stardom. Fun isn't it that you now now the naked truth about voters.... HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

Which is why I have always felt that putting too much voting power in the hands of the general public isn't good.

maybe could have 70% - public; 30% judges?

Just leave Jacintha out (of the voting) lah... her comments had the whole singapore wondering out loud to themselves: 'WHAT??? WHAT are you trying to say, girl???'

But maybe we softies could ask ourselves too... would we vote from an objective point of view?

But of course the big question regarding that one would be: would we vote at all??

Seriously man, i really wonder why everyone's dieing to be a Sg Idol..
When they get booted off, they start crying..!!

This is not US!! The winner there gets an album that is sold all around the world!! The're on MTV!! At Grammy's!! Look at Kelly Clarkson..

But here, what happens when you become the winner??

Look at Taufiq, he's advertising for 7-eleven man with that up smile on his face! i mean, c'mon!!

They can seriously dream of making it big here!!
I won't waste my lunch pocket money voting but I'm rootin for Jasmine cos she sooo CUTE!!!! *giggles*
actually majority of the people who vote don't really care if they sang well or not, it's all just a popularity contest after all :/
Crawldaddy said:
Just leave Jacintha out (of the voting) lah... her comments had the whole singapore wondering out loud to
themselves: 'WHAT??? WHAT are you trying to say, girl???'

At least she's making a whole lot of sense compared to the eariler days of the season...

There was a letter on TNP today which I said to let the voters be able to vote only once...with that, more talent might stay in the comp...that is, if there's any...

I saw her on the last SG Idol episode and she was struggling to make any constructive critique or comments.

Maybe she should just have signboards with generic quotes and hold them up since she has trouble coming up with comments:

"you're cute"

"you're better this week compared to last week"

"that performance was very good"

"I like it"

"I agree with Dick Lee"

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Twohill cnt sing and is fugly...Joakim looks like a bloody monkey and cnt sing...Jasmine cnt sing also...these three should have been booted out WAYYYYYYYY in the beginning...
fcuknt said:
i thought jasmine's latest performance was a huuuuuuge improvement from her previous ones.

i agree,
and at the same time paul and rahimah's performances going all the way down.

I think this contest is ruining the singaporean music market. channel 5 should can this show before they get the makcik who sell mee rebus to win sg idol..
how come you all keep watching and then keep complaining? :lol:

ahh... i know, you want to see and then complain right? :smt102
well. it can be an outlet. reality tv taps into that voyeur in all of us that likes seeing the bitching and the fighting on Survivor and Amazing Race and stuff like that. maybe on Singapore Idol it's watching people who to us "cannot make it" and then we slam 'em here LOL.