Singapore Idols 2006 Season 2


New member
Anybody planning to go for the much awaited singapore idols season 2?

What will you sing? hows your preparations?
ohohohoh. I'm plannin to sing, Big balls by ACDC at the audition. I wanna become a rockstar like that sly guy. OMG. i'm so excited.

boo.. jus kiddin, no offence ya. There we go again.. another round of Singapore idol.. i wonder i wonder. I'm sure this time round, the contestants will be weirder! Well.. that's the fun part.. enjoying every bits of the weird contestants.

And hopefully hopefully this time round, we can get a better Singapore idol? I'm not saying that Taufik is bad or whatever.. but ya.
The only thing i liked about Sg idol is the initial round where all the weird people turn up and do all types of weird stuff.
im offering my classmates free meals if they go to the auditions and sing Sweet Child O Mine in a "parrot" voice..."where do we gaw? arkarkarkarkarkarkarkarkahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"
Vaiyen said:
I'm singing LAU SHU AI DA MI.


VAIYEN!!! that one out out out! Now is the roaches song! Mai Ya Hee Mai Ya Hoo Mai ya Ha mai ya aah aaah, see the roaches, i'm not afraid anymore lalalalallaa. english version ok!!! i'm so power :smt118
Re: HAha

neuro182 said:
I am gonna wear a Watermelon head mask & rap Limp Bizkit!!

Hell Yeah :supz:

hehehe, yeah..sooner or later the camera gonna capture the face behind that watermelon!!! haha. reminds me of the previous sg idol auditions.. u ain't sunning no where...u're caught on the camera. haha. but again, if u sings well, why not...hehehe 8)
Well, I'm gonna sing The Dance of Eternity by Dream Theater. BEAT THAT! I'll SING all the complex melodies and im gonna be famous. MWAHAHAHAH :twisted:
well in a way the school of rock thing was somewhat a Singapore Rock Star wasnt it? other than the fact that its open to students only. and if Asianbeats and stuff gets more exposure, you could count that as Spore Rock Star right?