SG appreciation thread

Why not P90s man? :mrgreen:

I'm just awaiting the email from Ishibashi to see if they still have the SG classic!
Hopefully incoming.


Wth!!! How come you got the limited edition Sahasrara!!!
Wah I want one man.. :(
Oh and P90s are fat sounding also mah.. Almost as fat as a humbucker, and as clear as a single coil.. Wah shiok..

And Plastic, that sure is beautiful!
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Hell yeah, I was almost considering the Edwards semi-hollow guitars, till I saw this earlier today ! Damn, I hope they still have it in stock. :(
Plastic : NOOO!!!dun u buy it!!! ... my gf gg to japan...she gg to ishibashi outlet ot get that for
eh plastic when you do get that SG and come back from australia i wanna try that man.can?Can?CAN?!

Must bring:
- Teh Tarik
- Tissue Prata
- Soup Kambing
- Nasi Bryani
- Mee Goreng
- Magi Goreng
- Ice Kacang
!! God I miss the food.
really? man that must take a lot of effort n time. n then after that must repaint? what side effects does this bring?

ps: i think from this question u know my username at everythingsg liao :)
yeah i was thinking of doing on the stagg. the neck joint reaches like the 17th fret? but still considering lah. i working on my strat copy now. if u shave off the neck heel i gotta repaint the whole guitar? is it possible to just paint that part?
Guys.. Should I get a Bigsby for my Epiphone?

If yes, is this the model I should consider?
I've been GASsing for far too long for any kind of movable bridge, be it a simple tremolo or whammy madness.. Instead of getting a new guitar like an RG or something (sadly, I'm attracted to them despite the uncomfortable necks imo, must get used to it), I thought "Hey! Why not do something to my SG?"

Plus Everdying's SG with that floyd induced more GASSSSSSSSSSS! :mrgreen:
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dont get a bigsby.
they are a pain in the ass to restring, floyds are much easier in comparison.
actually floyds ARE easy to restring.

get a maestro / lyre instead.

or just rout it for a floyd :P