SG appreciation thread

btw, juz to ask all u sg lovers out there, how much does 1 epi sg cost on average?

i was in thailand yesterday and i saw the epi sgs retailling at an average of 11000-13000 bahts.

is that considered cheap?
Conversion please..

And which SG you referring to?
G310 series (Special, Special II, Emily the Strange) => around 250-450
G400 series (Vintage, Deluxe, Custom, Goth) => around 500-1000
Prophecy series => around 800-1000
Double neck => around 1000

The prices are estimates.. I myself ain't so sure.. So I give you rough gauges..
G310 series (Special, Special II, Emily the Strange) => around 250-450
G400 series (Vintage, Deluxe, Custom, Goth) => around 500-1000
Prophecy series => around 800-1000
Double neck => around 1000

Conversion of thai baht... for example a rough estimate, if the epi sg is 10,000 baht means roughly S$480.
13,000 baht will roughly be S$620.
the sgs i saw were the G400 ones i think and i think after conversion should be around 400-625, since the conversion rate is 1 sgd to 24baht.

but well, i'm still gonna save up for a sg in the long run, for now, i'll juz play my bass and my old yamaha classical guitar, HAHA
How would 3 p90s sound? :mrgreen:

EXACTLY! I've really been wondering for a darn long time.. Been thinking of buying a Custom and mod it to 3 GFS Mean/Dream 90s..

Anyone knows places where you can customise an SG to builders?

P.S: That's a fcking sexy SG there!
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The special one, the picture I posted.
My budget's like > 1k aud, so yep.

Hell, I'm still considering, maybe even a SG Jr, but the lack of a neck pickups seems alittle incomplete.
Any links for the SG?

Hmmm.. You can consider the Edwards Custom also.. Around SGD1.25k at Davis..
Same 3 pups configuration like a Black Beauty..
If you just want P90s, then the Gibson SG Classic retails at around US800 dollars..
EXACTLY! I've really been wondering for a darn long time.. Been thinking of buying a Custom and mod it to 3 GFS Mean/Dream 90s..

Anyone knows places where you can customise an SG to builders?

P.S: That's a fcking sexy SG there!

i got a quote of RM2900 for the neck-thru SG whose specs i posted a few pages back.
if set neck then its RM2000.
i rather go buy a real epiphone at those stupid prices, at least i can trust that the wood will not warp after awhile.

and someone said 3 P-90s?
heres a agile :P

i really hope someone can bring in agile guitars here, got some nice models.
double neck with EMGs!
im in love again :P

tho looks like the EMGs are only on the 6-string neck, like wat i wanna do on mine.
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