
I feel you too Goose............ :lol:

Btw, if you'r a funk player, a compressor is prerequisite....make that a requirement!

Helps even out those nasty peaks in those strummed 7th chords :)
using a 7th on the red channel for the song :D the other video on my channel is using a sahasrara OD

Don't mean to rub it in but i could really hear the difference between both pedals...the 7th sounds more like a cranked amp while the Sahasrara sounds more like a pedal. Not that thats a bad thing, both have got their uses.
Woah Goose.....finally!!! :mrgreen:

Don't forget to upload the 7th heaven product manual ah...:lol:
finally lah! when is teh official website launch party where we get to drink copius amount of beer and trade "customers from hell" war stories????????? :mrgreen: