
YEAH! i just used it and its awesome through the clean channel of a marshall JCM 2000 triple super lead 100.

i found a dumble setting too!

lets hope it works out alright for me tomorrow during live n loaded. gonna use the 7th on a jcm 2000. lazy to bring my mesa haha
I've got a tip for you man. down the mids and treble and tweak the bass to taste. I like my mids all the way down and my treble on the amp at about 9 o'clock.

the JCM 2000 has a nasty bright cap on its clean channel that brings all this harsh frequencies out which goose descibed as "just throw the bright cap away". a Marshall characteristic.

Once you got that all properly tweaked, the Seventheaven starts working wonders. Now i can't wait for the Baybeats auditions!
hmm, about the bright cap. i'm wondering do both the JCM2000 series amps (DSL & TSL) have that cap. i always found the DSL intolerable for cleans with poor compatability for pedals driving it, but the TSL pretty good in those regards. It would never be my go to amp, but i definitely wouldn't mind using it as backline.

I've played too many DSLs and TSLs to think it was mere coincidence. While a good JCM800 sounds awesome with pedals, there are too many models and the risk of getting one which is not performing up to scratch because it's worn with age seems pretty high - quite risky if you're relying on that as backline. If it's modern easily available Marshall amps, the TSL makes pretty good backline choice.
Ah.....but i've managed to tweak that harsh bright sound away without losing that punch that the 7th gives. Pretty much works for me even though the JCM2000 has that nasty bright cap. Just cut the mids and treble to get rid of that nasal sound - i simply roll down my volume knob for my cleans, which makes my life much easier with no more tap dancing.
our hearing is not a constant.. we hear differently, even if its the same sound going on..

afterwhich, using our mind/thoughts and speech to add on to the sound heard. Heh, further complications
Yup its all about tweaking. The Seventheaven could even sound harsh through a Roland JC120(which is one of the best pedals for amps imo) if not tweaked properly.

I have not tried the 7th through a Gries but im pretty sure i can get my desired tone if im able to have some time to tweak my settings properly. My desired settings are usually meant to cut through in a band when the drummer kicks in rather than tailored for bedroom playing though.
our hearing is not a constant.. we hear differently, even if its the same sound going on..

afterwhich, using our mind/thoughts and speech to add on to the sound heard. Heh, further complications

Pathein nailed it. Interesting responses though... only 1 actually asked why.

I'm not a slouch when it comes to tweaking, neither is my tone "tailored for bedroom playing"... but I am the epitome of tonal anal-ness, if you will.

The moment the bright cap was made switchable - the 7th was so much better.

An example was when an ex-owner of a Toneczar Openhaus sold off his unit because he claimed it was 'fizzy'... to which 3 proud owners expressed their disbelief. (Maybe it was a bright cap issue too ya know!)

But hey, if you guys think you got the tone in your hands, at your feet, keep the 7th!
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But hey, if you guys think you got the tone in your hands, at your feet, keep the 7th!

i am now trying to upload a vid of my band at a recent gig....Used the 7th through the clean channel of a Marshall JCM 900, which the cleans were nothing fantastic- to say the least. The huge amp-like crunch i got was really satisfying and its amazing how a pedal like the 7th can turn an above-average amp into a crunch monster. Also, the 7th retained more clarity and had less of the fuzzy characteristics that the JCM 900's drive channel had not to mention a tad quieter. I donno how but Goose's pedal really makes alot of amps and their built-in drives sound like toys when you compare it to the 7th.

Definitely not my dad's kind of distortion pedal (hes a bassist btw).
Funny thing, i haven't try using the 7th through a marshall dsl, but through a marshall tsl it sounded really good, lots of body and thump without any harshness......i kinda just use the clean channel and feed it with the 7th's drive, my setting on the amp is bass at 2~3 o'clock, mids at ard 9~10 o'clock, and treble at 12 o'clock. I didn't really tweak my settings on the 7th at all.
next time if anyone going for jamming and using geetar plus 7th, try it thru the bass amp. Any bass amp, any wattage and any speaker cab config, do tweak the sound to cut down on the bottom end or any adjustment to fine tune the thing if necessary. Do report back on the sound.
The bassist from my post-rock band used the 7th into his bass into some crappo TGM bass was nice and full with clarity...really reminded me of the Muse's bassist tone in the song Hysteria.
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try geetar into bass amp with the 7th, iam interested to hear what kinda sound one will hear and the differences between a geetar into geetar amp with the 7th

i have no chance to try it in a jamming senario, just curious bout the response.

i have semi gave up on geetar amp and playing with a 1x12 bass amp for all my geetars and pedals at home. So far, theres interesting result with several different gain pedals thru the bass amp.
Credit where it's due...

A personal thanks to Goose, for the seventh heaven. Recorded with an Ash strat, thru the seventh, into a Laney TF700.

Solo also features a Goose-modded zakk wylde crybaby

Thanks Goose! :)

Looking forward to more awesome stuff from Gsonique Worx ;)
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