Pedalboard Pictures!

Mandarin.... dude, if you ever get a guy who... speaks to his colleague in mandarin, his colleague looks up and starts laughing only to confess she didn't understand what he just said.... you do not DO NOT DO NOT! want him to utter a single bit of mandarin.
yo bro shrew, its ok man. Exotic mando it can be!

If not, we can do hokkien rap/song. Sing about the life of getting drunk, mummy at night club or the bak sai from tearful lover split apart!
My Pedalboard:
yo bro shrew, its ok man. Exotic mando it can be!

If not, we can do hokkien rap/song. Sing about the life of getting drunk, mummy at night club or the bak sai from tearful lover split apart!

Exotic is what I yearn for!

This we shall do!
Heh, instead of just a typical post picture contest, try something different this time. Post the pic, list the style you play with the board(this one important, if not, guitar to amp guy will think they are special or pedal players will think they are unique), how special it is in helping towards the style you are playing, how unconventional it is you think it might be(oh, stacking overdrive/distortion/fuzz not unconventional btw) and perhaps lastly, clips of what can be done from the board, without the help of backing track, just overdub of sound gotten from the board that make up a melody or music instead of just guitar tone.

Heh, if the above sounds like rubbish. Then lets proceed with just pics!
Pathein steady.

You on, I on... Snuff too.

I don't think people will come in and post clips and what not lah but heck, why not?
haha, you serious siah, broshred.

Theres some tongue in cheek when i wrote those. Dont think iam posting for the contest. If casually still ok. Got contest, i hide in corner like wuss, pussy :oops:
heh, the truth is theres nothing much for me to post liao. At most just the ud or magicstomp in place with the rest of the usual setup which i posted before.

Hows your CUM-u-laTOR?
the zoom got mojo.

I like the part of the s/h or was it multi filtering of the sound in the background. Nicely in the background, not too subtle or too strong. Nice!
Pathein, the discumBOBulator is neat. Its doing the envelope filter thing very nicely. Sensitivity control is very cool... allows you to maintain a consistant "half-cocked wah" tone or just a straight out wah at the slightest touch... then can control the width of the wah sweep... and the tone (attack) is tweakable. Then got reverse wah also. Quite cool.

Not TB apparently...
so does that mean we need a seperate thread for the erm pedalboard appreciation/contest/casual/etc?With voting capabilities?

then shred bro, please create a new thread leh...hahaha